
It’s a great question… and today, I’m not going to try to answer it.

But rather, I’d just like you to take a moment and look at this photo and contemplate for yourself on how living in a place like this would affect you. Would your life be better?… Enough so that having a place like this should become a goal to have, rather than just a daydream?

I heard it said the other day that “a goal without a date is just a wish”.

And we know that to be true… if we aren’t putting out some effort towards getting something it will likely never happen and then one day we will find ourselves living with the regret of never having tried.

So maybe, make this coming year the time where you will make the first small steps towards having a handmade home of your own.  I’m working a little video now that I hope to release soon (free) that will give you a dozen or so inexpensive steps that you can take that will get you far enough down the path towards having a place like this that you will find yourself living in that cabin before you know it!

Originally posted 2015-12-19 15:21:53.