
Here you can see a temporary layer of plywood has been laid down over top of the old floor joists. This gives the crew a floor to work off of while they set the second floor logs into place.

Notice the vertical two-by-fours which are nailed to the logs temporarily while the logs are being set to hold these massive pieces of wood in place. Once the logs are all up we will do a final alignment on them, then install the permanent window and door jambs, and then, remove these “sticker” boards.

One final detail that I notice in this photo is the tool belt which is seen in the bottom right of the image. That tells me that the photo was taken at lunch-time. It seems that when lunch is called these heavy belts just drop to the ground right where the carpenter once stood… almost as if he had been raptured.

Originally posted 2015-07-07 21:30:00.