The most important act a person can do in building a home is to hire the best people that they can find.

I’ve always had a crew full of young people who had a love of the craft in their heart, who were naturally hard working and motivated, with a head full of knowledge in various specialties, and each from diverse backgrounds.

I always made it a point to be there on-site every day to listen in on lunch time conversations and to witness the comradarie they all shared. I don’t know if they were aware or how treasured these moments were at the time… but I imagine as the years have gone by that each reflects back on this period with fondness.

I have always done my best to hire people that I would want as friends and to create a company that I would want to work for. I never aspired to be “the boss”. I’d rather have worked for someone else and let them handle the hassles of running a business and just let me “do the craft”. But, I never found a company like mine, so, I had to build one.

And, I did that by first hiring a few great guys.

Originally posted 2015-06-11 13:32:59.