There is no finer way to spend your day than to be working outside with your friends… building a log cabin… a cabin with gorgeous logs… a cabin that you believe will last for centuries to come.

We have it easier than the original builders did when we set these logs by hand. Most of the logs that make up vintage cabins are no longer full length. We call those massive logs, the one’s that run the full length or width of the cabin, “spanners”.

Spanners are only found on a log wall where there is no door, window, or fireplace opening. So, the average log wall of a cabin only has three or four spanners… which are generally to be found above the doors and on the top course or two of logs that make up a cabin.

Spanners lock a house together and are SO important and valued. Spanners are long and heavy, and so they require “all hands” to lift them into place. Spanners are revered and treasured by us… because they are few in number… and because of the fact that you can always make a long log short.. but the opposite is very difficult.

Most old cabins were built using full length logs and after the cabin was fully assembled then door and window openings were cut into place.

The men of old lifted a lot of spanners. God bless them.

Originally posted 2015-04-20 13:38:45.