The smallest house in Charleston, South Carolina.
As cute as a button.
I’m sure it’s admired and loved by everyone there.
And, I’m equally sure it’s now illegal to build another one as small as this.
Go figure.
Originally posted 2015-10-18 14:57:07.
I suppose people are affraid of “the shack” people. But that is certainly not a shack. Sometimes I think people are just “coded out”. Sure a lot of codes are for protection (at least thats what the governments say), but like an electrician once said to be, some of the codes are a result of corporate lobbyist for profit (touchy subject I know). Personally, what bisness is it of mine if a person wants to use a back house instead of a septic? As long as he is not harming me or my property?
I think lawmakers have to make new laws in order to feel like they have a purpose… they need to protect us.
I wish they could drop every law created since the 60’s and start all over again.
This home is located in Savannah, GA on Green Square at the corner of Houston Street and East State Street.
Thanks Great!