Iphone October 2011 896

There are a lot of details that make this cabin special… the logs, the copper roof, the stone chimney, the heart pine siding, and of course, the overall design… but for me, the one element that makes this cabin “snap” is the hip roof on the front porch.

I didn’t draw that hip feature in when I created the original plans… it was one of those “job site changes” that are so common on our projects. Something wasn’t right with a simple shed roof on this cabin as I had drawn it to be… it was just too… plain.

We had to fuss for a while in creating the right angle on this hip roof, moving boards around and then standing back and taking a look at it, but eventually we reached this look… and we liked what we saw.

I hope you do to.

Originally posted 2015-07-13 20:05:33.