We are currently working on the creation of the Timber Framing Academy!

The Coronavirus can’t stop us here at Handmade Houses! It has made things more difficult… and it has certainly slowed progress down though. But together we are going to make it through these challenging times… and create an amazing Timber Frame Academy course… and demonstrate the construction of small home for you soon!

If you dream of owning your own Handmade House you have found the right place!

If you want a handcrafted home… one made of log, timber, or stone… We can help you!

If you want a home that blends into the environment, one that compliments the landscape… oh yeah!

Here you will find a TON of free insights that you won’t find anywhere else… from our videos… to our FREE newsletter!

Originally posted 2019-06-26 19:42:04.

We are currently working on the creation of the Timber Framing Academy!2019-06-29T10:31:41+00:00

A Writer’s Cabin


I once had a well known writer ask me to build her “a little primitive shed where I can get away from the main house to collect my thoughts and do a little writing”.


And this is what I built.


And she loved it.


And we all lived happily ever after.


And no, I cannot tell you who she is. lol

One final thought of the day…

I am so thankful that so many unique individuals have come into my life, each wanting me to build them something special to meet their dreams. I’ve built barns, timber frames, silos, log cabins, stone homes, mills, and yes, sheds and outhouses. From two thousand dollars… to two million dollars.

All my projects share a common theme. They were all built to last a century or more, and they were all designed to look “as if they had always been there”.

Thanks to all for coming along.

Originally posted 2015-03-09 15:44:07.

A Writer’s Cabin2019-06-29T11:18:48+00:00

How to build a log home… part 6


Notice the early morning shadows that are seen on the face of the logs. Sweet and short lived, that sun rises quickly.

Putting up an old log cabin is physically demanding. It is also dangerous work.

And, it requires more thought and planning than you can imagine. It is a game of chess, not of checkers.

And then there is the heat and humidity of a Virginia summer that will draw the energy right out of you. Sometimes just breathing is a challenge.

We try to make it a routine, in the first few minutes of our days, to sharpen our tools… to contemplate the day ahead… and to savor a time in our lives that will quickly be gone.

Originally posted 2015-05-08 13:20:24.

How to build a log home… part 62019-06-29T10:35:39+00:00

How to build a log home… part 5


A cabin on a hillside gets a visual boost from the tall foundation that is needed on it’s front.

I have never seen a cabin that I thought looked too tall, but I’ve seen plenty that have been built in the last 25 years that look too short.

Here we have all the first floor ceiling joists in place which really locks the structure together. It gives us a much more stable structure to work from as we add the next floor of logs into place.

Originally posted 2015-05-08 12:46:36.

How to build a log home… part 52019-06-29T10:35:38+00:00

How to build a log home… part 4


Here we have the first floor of logs set in place. With all the horizontal lines in this image, provided by the massive oak logs, this place looks as flat as a cigar box at this stage of construction.

Also, notice the extremely large fireplace opening in the logs on this end of the cabin… this place had, and will once again have, a large kitchen fireplace.

Originally posted 2015-05-08 12:33:19.

How to build a log home… part 42019-06-29T10:35:37+00:00

How to build a log home… part 2


Here is a “before” photo of this cabin.

I never saw this log home where she came from… a professional salvager had carefully taken her down and sold her to my client.

My mission was to put her back up, better than ever. I think I did a pretty good job of doing just that.

I loved every minute of the process. And, I gained a lifelong friendship with the man who still lives there to this day.

Notice that there are two door openings on the second floor that I needed to “erase”.

A couple of interesting things to note about this cabin…

It was built in the early to mid 1800’s. Some of the logs in this home came from a log cabin that was built in the 1700’s… so, folks have been taking down and rebuilding cabins for a long time… this is not a new phenomena.

Also, the cabin in this photo was in West Virginia. When this cabin was built, pre-Civil War, this state was not West Virginia… it was Virginia. By taking this cabin down and rebuilding it in Virginia, this client returned the cabin to it’s home state.

Originally posted 2015-05-07 16:41:27.

How to build a log home… part 22019-06-29T10:35:35+00:00

How to build a log home


Maybe it’s time to share with you all my memories of building this wonderful log home.

Let’s start with this photo.

Do you remember my most important rule of home design?

“A home should be attractive from all sides… and from any perspective”.

This is the back of the house.

Not bad huh?

Originally posted 2015-05-07 14:43:16.

How to build a log home2019-06-29T10:35:34+00:00

The little cabin… part 5


You know, the funny thing about little cabins like this is that they take just about as much effort to build as the one’s that are much larger.

Most of the work involved in building a cabin is in the process, and has little to do with the length of the log. There are just as many corner notches found here as there were in the log home that stood nearby.

And, there were just as many logs needed to build this structure as her bigger sister nearby, only here, they were shorter.

Maybe, that is why there are so few of these tiny cabins. A lot of effort goes into creating a very small space.

Originally posted 2015-05-07 14:10:55.

The little cabin… part 52019-06-29T10:35:33+00:00

The little cabin… part 4


There is an inherent beauty in wood that was crafted by a man and an axe, and that has stood against the elements for over a hundred years.


Every person that was alive on this planet when this little cabin was built is now gone. No survivors.


What will you leave behind that will be enjoyed by the next fresh supply of people?

Originally posted 2015-05-06 14:23:38.

The little cabin… part 42019-06-29T10:35:32+00:00

The little cabin… part 3


The little cabin only offered one door… and it was a mighty short one! Folks were smaller back then huh? lol

And no windows… I guess times were lean.

There was also an exterior door to gain access to the attic. I guess this place could have been rented out as a duplex?

Originally posted 2015-05-06 13:29:31.

The little cabin… part 32019-06-29T10:35:31+00:00
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