How to build a log home… part 16


Here’s three final photos that I have to post of this cabin.

Thank you for allowing me to share.

This home was a treasure for me to build. I’d go on to build many more wonderful homes, but none were like this one.

I still admire this cabin as much today as I did 30 years ago when she was built. And, I still consider the cabin’s owner a dear friend and really good man… a man of integrity.

There is a lot to be said for that.

I have a lot to be thankful for. (I also have plenty to complain about… but who wants to hear about that? lol)

This cabin was featured in many books, newspapers, and magazines. It made the cover of Country Living magazine, back when that was something to really brag about. To make the cover of that publication was a career crowning event and for me to have made that with my first completed cabin… well, I was right proud of that!


In looking at an old copy of that magazine here, and the excellent photography contained within it, (that so, so, so, puts my old photos to shame) maybe I’ll go ahead and scan that article and pop it up here for all of you to see.


My best to each and every one of you!


Originally posted 2015-05-12 14:35:39.