

Do you think the owners of this cabin ever regret the effort and expense it took to build this place?

I doubt it.

Will you regret it if you never get around to doing the same.

Originally posted 2016-01-10 18:21:48.


Build well


The ultimate bathroom?
Or, perhaps a little less privacy than you like to have when bathing?
There is so much I admire about this image… a home made of wood wrapped in trees… and, who wouldn’t enjoy some relaxing time in a tub like that? It’s not for me… but that’s not the point… it was right for the person who built it… they visualized what they wanted… made it as wonderful as they could, and they did a great job.
A tip of the hat to them!
And, may it serve as inspiration for the rest of us.
Build well my friends.

Originally posted 2016-01-09 16:25:47.

Build well2019-06-29T10:26:39+00:00

A hillside cabin


A hillside site provides an opportunity to showcase additional stonework, and, it creates a walk-out basement down below the cabin.
How about that!… a challenging house-site, initially viewed as a negative element, can lead to having a better home!

Originally posted 2016-01-09 15:46:12.

A hillside cabin2019-06-29T10:26:38+00:00

When is small, too small?


Appliances on the front porch…
The age old dilemma…
Yes, or no?
It’s one of the big problems with the tiny, tiny house movement. Certainly there is plenty of room in one of these structures for a person… but not for all of the stuff that we need to satisfy our current lifestyles.

Originally posted 2016-01-09 14:55:55.

When is small, too small?2019-06-29T10:26:37+00:00

A nice house site


The house looks new… but the house site looks like it was created many years ago. An old road bed perhaps?

Originally posted 2016-01-08 13:00:04.

A nice house site2019-06-29T10:26:36+00:00

Almost there


A sweet old country cabin… just precious.

I don’t mean to be critical but I don’t share opinions on how  each structure can be improved, well, this site has no purpose.

The roof overhangs are too great. It looks like the eaves of the house extend nearly three feet.  This creates a visually crushing effect of the house… squashing the second floor. A foot or less of overhang would have been so much better.

Originally posted 2016-01-08 12:42:41.

Almost there2019-06-29T10:26:35+00:00

A thousand words


They say a photo speaks a thousand words.
What words do you hear?
When you look at this photo do you feel sorry for the folks who live here?… on how impoverished they are… on how small their home is… on the possessions they must not have? Why surely they must be cramped in there.  Do they even have cell phone reception or high speed internet?
Likely, if you have found yourself here on this site it’s not sympathy that you feel towards the inhabitants of this house but rather a tinge of jealousy. There is a peace that can be found within a space like this that is lost in our modern world. Perhaps the transition to a home like this would be too hard for us to undertake… but if we could bring some of this charm into our own homes, or have a place like this to retreat to in order to recharge our inner soul… well, that would be goal worth striving towards wouldn’t it?

Originally posted 2016-01-05 14:25:14.

A thousand words2019-06-29T10:26:34+00:00

The attraction of a log home


Log homes are like magnets to us humans… they just draw people to them.
For some reason they also seem to attract wagon wheels… lol
The little stream out front adds a lot to the serenity of this place, doesn’t it?

Originally posted 2016-01-05 13:41:50.

The attraction of a log home2019-06-29T10:26:33+00:00

Writers cabin


It is place like this where books are born.

Originally posted 2016-01-03 21:45:21.

Writers cabin2019-06-29T10:26:32+00:00

Whispering pines


I do love a pine forest.  Some people don’t care for them. Pine trees are shallow rooted and brittle, so they don’t fair well during strong winds like those created by a hurricane.. But, there is nothing else like the feel you get when walking through a grove of them.

On a windy day, they are known to whisper.

Originally posted 2016-01-03 21:42:45.

Whispering pines2019-06-29T10:26:31+00:00
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