National Park log cabin


Here we have what is known as a “shy cabin”… often found deep in the woods, peeking out from behind a tree… and, what a tree it is!
How about that stone chimney? Nice.

Originally posted 2015-11-20 21:25:02.

National Park log cabin2019-06-29T10:24:42+00:00

Log cabin living


Certainly there are hardships, unfulfilled wants, and disappointments felt by those in this fictitious painting, but you certainly don’t see it in their actions. They all appear very happy just to have each other… and, a fine log home in the country.
And that, is the way it should be.

Originally posted 2015-11-20 20:37:23.

Log cabin living2019-06-29T10:24:41+00:00

Stone ruins


If you build your home of stone it will likely last for centuries… perhaps, millennia. And, even if it doesn’t survive that long, the ruins left will be a joy to behold.

Originally posted 2015-11-20 15:33:26.

Stone ruins2019-06-29T10:24:40+00:00



“The stars will never align and the traffic lights of life will never be all green at the same time.
The universe doesn’t conspire against you, but it doesn’t go out of it’s way to line up the pins either. Conditions are never perfect.
“Someday” is a dream that will take your dreams to the grave with you.”
Tim Ferris

Originally posted 2015-11-19 13:15:06.


Tools… why tools?


Everyone loves a good tool.

Above, you will see a photo of some of my personal favorites. These are mostly log tools but the fact is that we all need a variety of tools if we are to build our own home. We also need the carpenters tools, the builders tools, the masons, the earth moving, the cabinetry, the electric, the list goes on and on. But where to start? And which ones to choose? I’d like to help you with that. One by one, in the order that I would purchase them, with some friendly advice on what to look for.

Tools make projects possible… they make things happen.  They might as well be magic wands for what they accomplish… just move them around a bit and presto!… Things that never were, come into our lives! Simply lay out the necessary selection of tools and materials on a workbench (along with a set of plans) and watch amazing creations eventually appear… anything is possible… from a small table, to a complete house.

Tools are “enablers”, but they are also motivators!  Keep that in mind… a tool begs us to build something.

If you are thinking of building a home sometime in the future you should start acquiring the tools that you will need for it now, one at a time. Here in this video series I share with you an important tool that you should consider having in your collection. I hope you’ll follow along.

Today I’d like to start you out with perhaps the single best advice that I’ll be able to offer to you throughout this tool series…

Buy the tool that you want… That sounds simple enough doesn’t it?

But so many don’t always heed this advice, including myself on occasion.  Never buy the cheapest tool, nor necessarily the the tool that the guy at the hardware store says you should have. You don’t want to buy the tool that I use simply because I recommend it… you want to discover the one that most appeals to you.  And please, don’t buy the “next-best” tool and then live with the regret of not purchasing the one that you truly wanted. Good tools last a long time, treat yourself with the quality tool that you want and you’ll do better work.

OK… that’s it for today.

I hope to see you in “Tool #1″… the single most important tool a carpenter can have (I bet you can’t guess what it is!).

Originally posted 2015-11-18 16:44:47.

Tools… why tools?2019-06-29T10:24:38+00:00

Still standing


You know, she may not be the most attractive home, but thanks to her construction of timber and stone, she still stands strong after many years.

Originally posted 2015-11-18 14:58:27.

Still standing2019-06-29T10:24:37+00:00

Majestic cookstove


The brand of this stove is Majestic. They picked the right name didn’t they?

Originally posted 2015-11-18 14:29:21.

Majestic cookstove2019-06-29T10:24:36+00:00

A handmade shed


Even a handmade shed can be a joy to behold, when it’s well designed, makes use of local materials, and it’s located in just the right spot.

Now image this new shed in the same place…


Originally posted 2015-11-18 14:16:22.

A handmade shed2019-06-29T10:24:35+00:00

Fresh hewn logs


Here is fine example of new logs that have been recently hewn with a broad axe in the traditional manner. The finished result is attractive, will last for centuries, and if the labor involved was done by the cabin’s owner (not factored into the cost)… these logs are much cheaper than those found in any log home kit. The only downside is that these logs should be allowed to cure for a couple of years before chinking.

Originally posted 2015-11-17 17:35:41.

Fresh hewn logs2019-06-29T10:24:33+00:00
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