The beauty of a cruck frame


Cruck frames, common in England, make use of naturally curved timbers.


A cruck frame is incredibly strong, and visually striking.

Originally posted 2015-08-26 12:21:01.

The beauty of a cruck frame2019-06-29T10:20:22+00:00

A New England timber frame diagram

exploded view

Here’s a diagram of an early New England home… I love it. Who wouldn’t feel at home is such a place!

You can tell it’s a New England home because…

1) I’ve never seen a diagram of southern timber frame home… sad isn’t it? What’s up with that?
2) The horizontal members between the rafters, known as “purlins”, were not used in the Mid-Atlantic and further south… roof systems were rafters only.
3) The roof sheathing, those boards between the roof rafters and the shingles, would run horizontally not vertically.
4) The corner angle bracing in this diagram goes up to the top plate. Here in Virginia and the surrounding states it goes down to the sill timber.

Clearly both methods are attractive, and both have held up homes for centuries… so the difference is more about “regional flavor” rather than right or wrong.

Originally posted 2015-08-25 17:58:10.

A New England timber frame diagram2019-06-29T10:20:21+00:00

Stone endures


Here we have two fine homes…
The first, with white trim work, is the oldest home in Washington DC.
The second is the oldest home in the state of Georgia.
A stone home just can’t be topped can it?


Originally posted 2015-08-25 15:46:46.

Stone endures2019-06-29T10:20:20+00:00

What is your legacy?


Many cities have stone buildings built prior to 1920’s and this is what the team of men and animals would have looked like that helped build them.

My great grandfather was one of the masons who helped build the Old City Hall in Richmond, Virginia. I never met the man but I can’t help think of him whenever I drive past his legacy.

One of the greatest gifts that comes with making something durable, handmade, and attractive is that a legacy is created. By building a nice cabin, or a stone wall, or putting together a patchwork quilt we have left something for future generations to enjoy, and to remember us by.

Originally posted 2015-08-25 13:25:56.

What is your legacy?2019-06-29T10:20:19+00:00

A central chimney


Life in New England during the winter was hard. Many of the homes there were literally built around a fireplace to keep all the heat generated and stored within it’s masonry in the home.

Here’s a great illustration on the importance our ancestors placed on a stone chimney when building their homes.

We gained a heat pump, but lost so much.

Originally posted 2015-08-24 13:17:34.

A central chimney2019-06-29T10:20:18+00:00

A castle fireplace


Although a fireplace like this one from an English castle would not be practical in today’s home… still… it is worth pondering. What is it about this room that is so visually striking and how can that be adapted to your dream home?

The benefits of having a large fireplace…

1) No need to cut your firewood up into tiny, easy-to-handle pieces.
2) No need to cut your meat up into individual servings before cooking… just cook the whole pig!
3) Imagine the heat this fireplace would give off when fully stoked!
4) Plenty of room for you and your friends to stand around the fire.

Whose got the marshmallows?

Originally posted 2015-08-24 13:05:24.

A castle fireplace2019-06-29T10:20:17+00:00

Screen door thoughts


You know… it’s a funny thing… but when I look at this photo of a back porch my eye is drawn to the well-used screen door. I can hear the spring on that door as it stretches when the door is opened, and I hear the door slam shut as the children come in and out of the house.

I can also hear the mother of the house scolding those children to not let the door slam. lol

But, I bet that same mother, years later, misses hearing that sound of summer.  🙁

Originally posted 2015-08-23 13:55:55.

Screen door thoughts2019-06-29T10:20:16+00:00

A porch in summer


Summer is quickly coming to an end.
Some youth have already started back to school.
The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend.
Make sure and spend some quite time on your porch!

Originally posted 2015-08-22 13:39:57.

A porch in summer2019-06-29T10:20:15+00:00

A log mill


Have you ever wondered what heaven looks like?
Well, here’s a peek… a perfect little mill. Don’t you think?
(I wish I knew the identity of the artist)

Originally posted 2015-08-22 13:28:55.

A log mill2019-06-29T10:20:14+00:00

A design that improves with age


Here is the rebuilt kitchen fireplace in the historic Noah Parsons House located in Massachusetts.

The mantle piece adds a nice decorative touch, don’t you think? The left side is plenty big enough to have a fire to keep the room warm, and, with the aid of the forged swing arm above it, to cook the family’s meals . And then, once enough coals are built up in the fire they can then be moved under the beehive oven where fresh breads or a pies can then be baked.

Other rooms in the house are certainly “fancier” than this kitchen, designed to impress guests and maintain civility within the family… but I can guarantee you that standing in front of this fireplace is where everyone wanted to be. It is certainly where you would find this old boy.

This fireplace is also a great example of designing and building a new home that is classic in appeal. They look good when finished, but they improve in appearance as they age. A homeowner who builds a fireplace like this today will be admired for generations to come.

Originally posted 2015-08-22 13:17:19.

A design that improves with age2019-06-29T10:20:13+00:00
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