Every woman’s dream kitchen
When I look at this photo I first notice the wood cook-stove and admire it for having the ability to be free from the power company and my imagination runs wild with how good the food must taste that is cooked on top and within it’s wood fired oven.
And then I can’t help but notice the early form of kitchen cabinetry with a bowl used for a sink, how quaint. No clogged drains, just pitch the used water out the open widow when done.
It’s then that I start looking at all the equipment that fills this photo and I am filled with dread as I see the workload that was once placed upon the lady of the house. I think the life of a full time, stay at home mom is tough today, but it must have been overwhelming then. And keep in mind, this was the good life for many at the time.
Originally posted 2015-08-18 14:09:11.