The Creation of the Handmade House Academy



I built my first handmade house nearly 40 years ago, and have been building unique handmade homes ever since. (BTW… I did start young… I’m not quite a fossil yet… lol)

I’ve learned a lot in all those years… trade secrets and simple ways of looking at things. I’ve had some great teachers along the way… talented craftsmen… and combined with lots of hands-on experience… and in addition… the pleasure of studying so many homes that have survived for a century or more.

I did very little advertising throughout my career, it seems that folks who wanted a special home found me through word of mouth. I guided these precious clients of mine through the design and building process with the goal of giving them their dream home. I have found that the only thing more pleasurable than having a handmade home is playing a major role in its design and construction.

If you haven’t experienced it, I hope that one day you will.

In looking online it seems there is no shortage of information out there on “how to notch a cabin” or “how to lay a stone”, but nowhere do I find any source that teaches a person the basic concepts and steps on how to design and build an attractive handmade home.

To me, that is the most important lesson of all… one that needs to be a priority… from the first dreamed vision, to the final stroke of a paintbrush.

Rather than taking a lifetime of handmade house insights to the grave I thought about how great it would be to just sit down and share a full day (eight hours) of focused time and share what I have learned through all these years of designing and building one-of-a-kind homes…  to help move anyone interested “30 or 40 years down the learning curve”.

Just think about how much money could be saved, and how much better a home could be built by making such a leap!

(and what I would have given to have had such an opportunity when I began my journey.

For many, the Handmade House Academy likely will be life-changing in that something that was once viewed as impossible to have, suddenly becomes achievable.

Building a home does require a lot of work, but it can be an extremely enjoyable experience.

I’ve always said… “It’s much easier to design and build one’s own home, than it is to live with the regret of never having done so.”

And so this idea of “sharing it all” spawned the creation of the Handmade House Academy.

The Handmade House Academy is only available to those who are Members of the Handmade House Guild… I hope that you will consider joining us!


Originally posted 2016-03-19 15:28:27.