29 06, 2019

Irish stone cottage


irshi stone

Hundreds of years old, and yet more attractive than any new home that I’ve ever seen.

Originally posted 2015-11-15 15:49:27.

Irish stone cottage2019-06-29T10:24:29+00:00
29 06, 2019

Weather forecasting stone



Stones can be handy for things other than building, like making soup, or forecasting the weather…

Originally posted 2015-11-15 15:46:33.

Weather forecasting stone2019-06-29T10:24:28+00:00
29 06, 2019

A painted stone cottage



I can appreciate the corner stones not being painted… it adds an extra visual element to the home…

Originally posted 2015-11-15 14:09:19.

A painted stone cottage2019-06-29T10:24:24+00:00
29 06, 2019



The house that once stood nearby is just a memory… if that… but the legacy of the mason goes on.
Just look at how tall she is!
All that work… the lifting and precise setting of all of those stones… just to get the smoke and sparks up and out of the house.
And yet, a monument was created.
Stone is a gorgeous material to build with… not to mention being functional, and enduring.
Looking for a hobby? a trade? a creative outlet? or all valued skill?
Consider stonework.
Maybe… it should be thought of as “stoneplay”.

Originally posted 2015-11-11 14:20:45.

29 06, 2019

Natural interior walls



Take a peek inside of the front door of this stone cottage and notice the interior lighting how it washes down the stone wall. Nice. There are great rewards to having unique wall surfaces on the interior of a home, such as that of stone and of log. These two natural materials create rooms like no other material can.

Originally posted 2015-11-09 14:49:53.

Natural interior walls2019-06-29T10:24:12+00:00
29 06, 2019

Stone steps



Exterior stone work adds SO much to the enjoyment of one’s home, just look at what this simple layout of steps, path and retaining wall have helped to influencing the feel of this home.

Originally posted 2015-11-08 20:45:53.

Stone steps2019-06-29T10:24:05+00:00
29 06, 2019

A stone mill



A wonderful water-powered mill down in Georgia…

Originally posted 2015-11-06 15:23:21.

A stone mill2019-06-29T10:24:00+00:00
29 06, 2019

A stone roof



A stone roof… it’s hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that a roof can be built that would last… well… practically forever.

Originally posted 2015-11-05 12:32:08.

A stone roof2019-06-29T10:23:55+00:00
29 06, 2019

What do you do with your spare time?



I would think that a man could build one of these, working on weekends, in five years, maybe more.
And it would stand for centuries.
He wouldn’t need a gym membership.
His wife wouldn’t worry about him getting into mischief.
And when finished he could keep an eye out for invading armies.
It doesn’t get any better than that!
Or… he could put the same effort into building a dream home in the country. Now that’s an idea!

Originally posted 2015-11-04 16:31:22.

What do you do with your spare time?2019-06-29T10:23:53+00:00
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