29 06, 2019

For every “rule” there is an exception



For decades now, many have praised the design work of the homes I have built.

For the record, I’m no artist (although the title is flattering).

I’ve always looked to the past for inspiration, that’s where I get my design ideas from. That’s when homes were built from natural materials and blended in with the landscape.

I’ve done my best to create “rules” or guidelines in what makes a home attractive. Why is it that these vintage treasures are so attractive? They looked good back when they were built a century or two ago and they look even better today. Who can say that of anything built in say the 1970’s (or now)?

I’ve managed to come up with quite a few characteristics in what makes a home attractive, but every time I think I’ve come up with something that is absolute… I find that there is an exception to the rule… which sort of makes it “not a rule” doesn’t it?

Anyway, just take a look at this beauty of a home… The door is off the end of the cabin, and not the front. The windows on the front are slid to one side, and just look at how big that second floor window is… it goes up into the roof! And the brick chimney top that’s poking through the roof… why, I never. lol

But she is precious isn’t she?

I can think of no new home built in my area that compares to the simple beauty of this place.

She breaks all the rules.

Originally posted 2016-09-12 15:55:21.

For every “rule” there is an exception2019-06-29T10:29:16+00:00
29 06, 2019

Rustic addition



For those who dream of having a cabin… but don’t want the whole house to be made of log… consider having one room of the home as your rustic retreat.

Originally posted 2016-05-10 14:17:20.

Rustic addition2019-06-29T10:28:53+00:00
29 06, 2019

Memories, both old and new



I do like building in such a way that it either stirs up old memories… or creates new ones.

Originally posted 2016-05-03 14:26:30.

Memories, both old and new2019-06-29T10:28:46+00:00
29 06, 2019

Three is better than one



This home is a great example of…
1) how a home can be designed and built to become more attractive as it ages… and …
2) how a combination of aesthetically pleasing materials (stone, log, lumber) is more appealing than any one of those options by itself.

Originally posted 2016-03-12 14:21:17.

Three is better than one2019-06-29T10:28:01+00:00
29 06, 2019

Cabin art


picket fence

Can a home be built that would be considered “art”… would this cabin be one of those?
(Art, noun: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power).

Originally posted 2016-03-04 13:53:10.

Cabin art2019-06-29T10:27:54+00:00
29 06, 2019

Ranch style cabin



Here we have a somewhat rare ranch-style cabin with a more traditional log outbuilding out front.
Do you find one style more appealing than the other?

Originally posted 2016-02-25 15:12:30.

Ranch style cabin2019-06-29T10:27:36+00:00
29 06, 2019

A stone chimney with a log cabin



It’s a simple basic cabin. Low to the ground and with a big porch on the front. But for many this cabin is all about that huge stone chimney. The chimney is massive, yet the stones that make her up are small in scale. Each I’m sure gathered locally and laid flat, one upon the other, one at at time. Most impressive, don’t you think?

Originally posted 2016-02-09 13:47:02.

A stone chimney with a log cabin2019-06-29T10:27:09+00:00
29 06, 2019

This cabin should be so inviting.



Ok… Let’s have a discussion in “cabin perfectionism” today… A conversation for those interested in having a truly great cabin and not willing to settle for a good cabin. For those who want a “10”… not an “8”

Now, there is nothing wrong with having a “good” cabin. This is not a judgmental write-up, so please, no lectures on how mean spirited I am, or how I like to put down others work. Or, on how picky I am.  What I am about to point out many wouldn’t at first notice but with time, and daily viewing, these details will grow to bother them.  And then what? Live with it? or redo it?

This is a nice cabin, in a nice location. We should all be so lucky to have a place like this.  The logs are vintage and the cabin is historically proportioned. There are nice porches (perhaps the front porch is a bit too large, but a ten foot porch does give a lot of space). The windows are plentiful and attractive, she is a well lit cabin.

But somehow the cabin appears… harsh.  Cold even. How can that be?

Two things…

One is the use of modern elements… mainly the manufactured metal roofing. This is the very same type of metal roofing that you see on Hardees and McDonald’s restaurants. A metal roof is wonderful on a cabin, but it needs to be a handmade one… not an industrial one. A roof contributes so much more to a home than most people realize, it’s not just to keep the rain off our heads.  It is our first indicator of the quality of the home.

BTW… The modern cement sidewalk does the same thing. Another visual clashing. A few flagstones laid in the yard would have cost the same and looked so much nicer.

And, of course Number Two… no chimney!  This home is like a canoe without a paddle… she is missing something so important… a chimney should be as valued as the logs themselves.


Originally posted 2016-02-07 16:14:22.

This cabin should be so inviting.2019-06-29T10:27:07+00:00
29 06, 2019

Double Decker porch



A two story porch… the difference in price to build a two story vs a one story is minimal… but the added space gained is priceless.

Originally posted 2016-01-12 12:34:01.

Double Decker porch2019-06-29T10:26:41+00:00
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