Testimonials from the Handmade Houses Community
I am a member of the Handmade House Guild. I finished all of your log cabin classes about a year ago and have begun working on our project. It is coming together perfectly. I so appreciate your passion!Michael Q.

Thank you for your practical and time-earned wisdom. Now I am looking for the land and let it create the dream!
Aric M.

We are Members of your Handmade House Guild, and we are very grateful for this resource!

Your work is by far the finest I have ever seen. I am a very happy man. Please keep the art alive!
Roger V

All these little details will help me along the way, my project is ramping up it has been a 20 year dream and I really do appreciate all the input and knowledge contained within this program
Robert H

I’ve watched every video you’ve posted on YouTube and joined the Guild. I am very grateful for all you have done and continue to do to create a sense of community with your cohort (guild) concept. I’m looking forward to the interaction and can’t wait to get building.
Gary M

My wife and I have watched all the academy/guild videos and bought our tools and timbers for our test 5 x 8 log cabin shed. We cannot wait to start when the weather improves! We also want to thank you for all this material. We both feel that having a dream home with little mortgage will change our lives. So thank you Noah!
Tom H.

Noah, I’m in the guild, for life! I’m floored with all the information and tips provided in ALL the courses. I’ve been binge watching everything, can’t wait to get started chipping away at some flagstone and notching logs. Thanks a lot, and thanks for putting this awesome collection together for us to learn and enjoy.
Seth R.

What can I say Yoda. I lost the way of the force, but You brought me back. I built a log cabin as a teenager and now I am on the mission to achieve my hand made dream home. Thank You Noah!
Charles P.

I really enjoy the many facets of log and timber construction. I have experience with both as well as building with stone. Although I consider myself retired I love to learn from other builders like yourself. I must see someone do it to learn effectively. This is why I appreciate your patient instructional style. Keep up the good work! Cheers ,
Gerry T.

I just signed up last night and started watching the first log cabin video! Amazing! I’m excited about learning and going through your video series!
Rob M.

I have signed up! What a bargain, in my estimation.
Bruce T.

Mr. Bradley! I have signed up as a Member of the Handmade House Guild, and am now slowly working my way through your Log Cabin Academy videos. Thank you for producing these courses, and sharing your experience with others!
Gene D.

Noah, You are a philosopher first, an artisan second. …or maybe with enough experience and determination they are the same thing?
Ben H.

I joined the Guild this week and I’ve already been thru the Hand Made House Academy videos and started on the Log Cabin Academy series. Great Stuff! I am confident your materials will be an essential tool in our kit. I’m really looking forward to the Stonemason Academy! Thanks so much!
Rusty M.

I’ve just recently signed up for the Handmade House Guild. I had no idea how much I did not know. I’ve been binge watching for the last few days as time allows. I must say I am very impressed. Thank you for putting such a course together, I’m sure I will have no trouble getting my money’s worth. Anyhow, thanks again for all you do.
Randy K

Just purchased the Handmade House Guild Membership and spent the last few hours jumping back and forth between your videos. (can you tell I’m excited?)
John B.

I continue to thoroughly enjoy your Handmade House Academy and Log Cabin Academy! The lessons in the course are really fantastic and I have re-watched several of the modules now. It seems I always pick up something new each time I watch them. I am also looking forward to the Stonemason Academy. I really appreciate your approach to building and your willingness to share your knowledge. Thank you for your insights. Your lessons on what to look for have been really helpful in shaping my prospective. I never appreciated using mixed styles before viewing them on your site. The combination of log, stone and wood siding is really, really nice.
Tom M.

I was the first person to sign on with the Handmade House Guild. Considering what I have learned from Noah, and the enjoyment I’ve gotten from his videos, I would rate the experience priceless. Thanks again for sharing your expertise, and keeping American History alive.
John B

For what it’s worth, I find your Log Cabin Academy to be invaluable resource. Just the two modules on chinking are worth the price of admission.
Dariusz O.

So many of the options in building a handmade home by others are lacking in transparency, and are full of business hype. But, I really like your approach… it is so encouraging to see what you are doing. Nobody out there is providing the opportunity and insights you offer.
Charles R

Totally blew my mind at your easy style and encouraging comments that anyone with a drive to make their dream come true can achieve anything. Thank you for your contribution to making Dreams come to fruition. I have a renewed vigor in perusing my dream home. They say one person makes a difference. I couldn’t agree more. I needed a boost and found that boost with your videos. You truly do a great job teaching your craft. I feel confident that I can do anything you show us. Take good care don’t change who or what you are. You’re as perfect as one can be.
Kathryn L.

This course will take you step by step on how to build your own Handmade House. The videos are clear and concise and answer so many questions a non-builder like me has been looking for answers to. You will learn to design and construct the home of your dreams. The added house plans are worth the price of the course all by themselves.
Brian W

My husband and I are really enjoying the academy and find it very helpful and enjoyable to watch. Thanks for offering these classes at an affordable price.
Rachel B.

It has been super enjoyable watching ALL these videos. I am really glad I got on board. You have taught me very much. I especially appreciate your input about what does and doesn’t look “right”. Your experience really shows what is important. All of your suggestions and the many other details were great to help me visualize the look I will be seeking when the time comes to start building!
Tom B.

My wife and I are both loving these videos!
John P.

I am a member of the Log Cabin Academy (and have been loving it!). I am planning on constructing my cabin this summer using your instruction. I have been learning a ton from you!
Vittorio M.

Well done, Noah! I can’t say enough how great these videos are. Wow, I feel like I learned so much. And it is actually doable. Keep up the good work…and maybe raise the price! You are giving this away!
Mark T.

I joined your Guild as a gift to myself for getting my taxes filed, and I am devouring your videos – THEY ARE GREAT. Thank you so much for what you are doing with these courses.
Luigi C.

Thank you for the great information! I look forward to every new video released within the Handmade Guild. You sir are a treasure.
Paul A.

Recently joined the Guild and SUPER excited to start watching and learning all from the Academy material available to me now through that. Also watching and learning from the Lake House Series videos about your own property and house build. YEY! Keep it coming!
Carol W.

I really like your videos, your cabins and especially how you value authenticity and quality. I like your accent and the fact that you’re from Virginia and obviously value tradition and history.
Karen B.

I joined the Guild about a month ago but am just now getting around to learning. I became interested after viewing your YouTube videos, which I think are fantastic. I very much enjoy your videos and I’m looking forward to this adventure!
Rick B.

Mr Bradley, Thank you, been searching for your valuable insight to home building for 20 years. Better late than never! Regards.
Marcel G.

Thanks for all you do for everyone. We all have a lot of trust and confidence in you professionally and personally.
Steve S.

Just wanted to say thanks so much for all the videos! I’ve been fully addicted to them and they’ve really got me inspired to build my own log cabin!
Luke B.

Thank you Noah for all these videos and instruction based off of years of experience and being able to recognize that log-homes, timber-frame houses and careful stonework are among those structures that stand the test of time. Thank you for your wisdom and desire to teach on centuries-proven design, features and techniques.
David A.

I was planning to do the butt and pass method, go to Vegas etc. until I ran across your videos, so you saved me big time, & for that I thank you!
Danny B.

Thanks Noah! I am already almost done the log cabin academy course. I’m taking next week off to get started on felling the trees to start my apprenticeship! The videos are very well put together and there is a wealth of knowledge. Thanks for making the effort to put this course together. I’m looking forward to the Stonemason Academy next! All the best,
Jason R.

I just wanted to tell you thank you for the great joy your series has brought me. It’s very interesting (and I might go so far as to say therapeutic!) to listen to you and to watch you as you build your log cabin. I’ve not yet established where I will build, but I have resolved to build my own after retirement. In the mean time, I watch your videos, learn, dream, and plan. I’m very thankful that you launched this endeavor, and I hope it is as much fun for you as it is for the rest of us. Keep up the good work, my friend!
David L

I have been watching the videos for a few weeks. I’m absolutely inspired! As a boy, I watched my dad build the houses we lived in. He was not a carpenter, but learned as he went along. Each house was mortgage-free. He paid as he went. I have wanted to do the same for years. I would like to leave my family the same legacy. Long after I’m gone, I hope it will be a place where I great grandchildren will go. I am almost 68 years old. So, I need to get started. Thanks for this wealth of information and inspiration!
Tom C.

I am loving the Handmade House Guild Academy’s. It’s so nice to see real American craftsmanship for a change… and a lot of common sense! Thank you for your insights!
Matt D.

I am inspired! I am a Handmade House Guild Member, and I would like to thank you for your amazing videos and content. I really like how you have it all structured and it is quite evident you have put a lot into it.
Zack H.

I’m loving your videos – they are keeping me focused and motivated to save up money to buy land and build my own cabin.
Conor H.

I want to thank you for your honesty, sincerity and integrity. I am so glad I decided to join. It is very refreshing to discover someone who is transparent, open, and not full of self-pride/ego. I appreciate your quality teachings more than you will ever know.
Steve S.

I have learned so much and thoroughly enjoyed watching your academy courses!
Mike C.

I just want to say how appreciative I am of the invaluable and vast knowledge that you have shared with us. No doubt your undertaking must be overwhelming, but be encouraged! The Handmade House Academy alone is worth the price of Guild Membership… everything else has been extreme generosity on your part, and for that I thank you!
David Q.

We are very impressed, even more so as we continue to go along 🙂 This is wonderful! Thank you!
Tasha M.

I’ve been wanting to build a handmade house my entire life. I have carpentry and other construction skills but I wasn’t exactly sure how it all went together. I found your courses to be very educational and I now have the confidence to build the cabin of my dreams. I can’t wait to get started!
John L.

I have found such inspiration with you Noah! You should know, that it is an important work you do in so many ways! Here in Sweden, many want to live in an old log house, but nowadays they have no idea how to build one. Very few Swedes keep our fantastic legacy going. I mean: You, an American, has been my biggest inspiration and source of information! Thank you!
Sarah O.

I am sure this goes without saying, but I believe that you have found and answered the Lord’s calling in your life (a comment I have always desired myself!), by the love you have so obviously put into your work! I see it not only in the finished product but also the pleasure you show in the overall process and presentation of your videos. They are both informational and a comfort to watch, even a couple of times! I look forward to the future Academies!
Erik C.

Noah, can’t thank you enough…
Jay T.

Hi Noah, I’m sure I speak for many when I say, “Thank you!”
Kay M.

My husband and I just finished up the Handmade House Academy course last week, LOVED IT!!! I have many pages of notes. We will be starting the Log Cabin Academy hopefully this week. I appreciate all of your time and effort to share your skills and knowledge.
Laura S.

Thank you Noah, I believe you are a gifted teacher. I know it must take a tremendous amount of work to create and organize the Handmade House Guild and all of its Academies. You have hit on the right notes and details in the right places. And though I’ve never met you I sense that you bring out the best in others. I sense you have helped many people more than you can know. Your choice to offer your knowledge and experience has helped me discover confidence that yes I can have a home without (what is for me) the hopelessness of massive and overwhelming debt. Thanks again, and wishing the best for you and yours.
Mark L.

I must tell you that I am very excited about your program and what you are doing. I can only imagine what a daunting task this endeavor has become for you but I want you to know that I, as do many others I’m sure, admire your character and your philosophy or desire to give back. Additionally, I love your homespun and down home approach to delivering your knowledge to others. I find it refreshing, informative and entertaining Sir. Please keep up the good work! You are doing a wonderful thing!
Denny R.