I had the roof of the Madison House painted barn red.
I stood back and looked at the house.
I didn’t like the red roof.
So, I had the color changed. It took two more coats of paint to complete the transition to what I felt was a much more pleasing shade of forest green.
Yes, the change cost me more money.
Yes, the painter moaned, and rolled his eyes at me.
Yes, it demonstrated to the world that I too make mistakes. lol If you were to ever talk to any of the members of my crew you would find out that I frequently make changes. They would often say “put it up, take it down”… and I would respond… “let’s get it right”.
If only I lived in a world where every one would step back and look at what they are building, as it was being built, and make improvements as they are needed.
Originally posted 2015-03-27 16:57:14.