The Ruth house… part 19


I had salvaged a two-story timber-frame that was nearing collapse, but my plans called for a steeply pitched one-story home.

I put back the first-story of the structure as she had originally been built and then I used all the bonus floor joists from the second floor to create a timbered rafter system.

This newly created space quickly became my favorite part of the home.

Originally posted 2015-05-31 13:27:57.

The Ruth house… part 192019-06-29T10:16:48+00:00

Daniel Boone was a man


Here’s Daniel Boone’s log cabin… built in 1795 and still standing in Kentucky… amazing.

Originally posted 2015-05-30 15:49:33.

Daniel Boone was a man2019-06-29T10:16:47+00:00

The Ruth house… part 18


Most people, when they think of a home built using a timber frame, they envision a huge barn-like structure with vast cathedral type ceilings… but that is not always the case… a timber frame can create a very cozy space.

Originally posted 2015-05-30 11:42:03.

The Ruth house… part 182019-06-29T10:16:46+00:00

The Ruth house… part 17


Here’s a photo taken of the other end of the first floor of this timber frame section of the house. This room will become the master bedroom of the house.

I do love a first floor master bedroom. Those stairs get tiresome after a few hundred climbs up and down. lol

Notice the new framing off to the left, this is the area that will become the master bath.

One of the little tricks I do to lower costs on these “over the top quality homes” is make sure and use modern building techniques whenever I can… there is no need to make every room timber-frame or log… especially closets, baths, laundry rooms, etc.

It’s funny, but I never see log cabin kit manufacturers or timber frame suppliers offer, or even mention, this idea of combining various building forms into one house… I wonder why?… is it because they are trying to make as much money as possible by selling more product? hmmmm

Originally posted 2015-05-30 11:31:08.

The Ruth house… part 172019-06-29T10:16:45+00:00

The Ruth house… part 15


Here’s the family room, all framed out.

The wall to the left is paneled in 1by6 new yellow pine… it being an interior wall, separating this room from the entry hall, it works great and is very attractive.

I love painted wood, it brightens a room, it showcases the antique wood better, and it’s a bit showy… as in… “I’ve got so much wood in my house that I can paint some of it”.

The ceiling above is made of tongue and groove 2by6’s, also new yellow pine, which makes for a real solid floor… and it too is painted for the reasons mentioned before.

The end wall is an exterior wall which is the drywall side of stress skin panels, which are large pre-made sandwiches of foam insulation with drywall on one side and plywood on the outside. They provide the home with a quick, solid, sturdy exterior to the timber frame. We then will plaster the interior wall surface and paint.

Originally posted 2015-05-30 11:05:23.

The Ruth house… part 152019-06-29T10:16:43+00:00

The Ruth house… part 14


A new home made from the remains of a 200 year old home that was scheduled to be destroyed.

Originally posted 2015-05-29 20:13:03.

The Ruth house… part 142019-06-29T10:16:42+00:00

The Ruth house… part 13


After we had attached the stress skin panels to the frame to create the outside walls, and we had framed the front porch and the dormer windows, the vision of a “tavern-inspired” home began to emerge.

Notice the three large openings onto the porch… the center one is for the old door unit previously posted. And, the ones on either side are for french doors that could be opened up on nice days to bring the outside in.

Originally posted 2015-05-29 20:03:41.

The Ruth house… part 132019-06-29T10:16:41+00:00

The Ruth house… part 12


After we had attached the stress skin panels to the frame to create the outside walls, and we had framed the front porch and the dormer windows, the vision of a “tavern-inspired” home began to emerge.

Notice the three large openings onto the porch… the center one is for the old door unit previously posted. And, the ones on either side are for french doors that could be opened up on nice days to bring the outside in.

Originally posted 2015-05-29 18:52:35.

The Ruth house… part 122019-06-29T10:16:40+00:00

The Ruth house… part 11


Here’s my recipe for building a fine entrance to a new home.

Start with a nice view that will be outside your door.

Build a porch outside that door, one that will pull you outside to enjoy that view.

Build your home out of an old timber-frame, one that will give you the feeling of warmth and security.

Make sure and install old heart pine flooring, which is not only a pleasure to look at but to walk on also.

Then add an old entrance door unit to let you know that you are at home. (Make sure and paint it with some nice colors).

And then finally, get a good dog, one that will meander in and out at his leisure.

Originally posted 2015-05-29 13:33:26.

The Ruth house… part 112019-06-29T10:16:39+00:00
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