Timber frame and log… together


For those who love the idea of a home built of massive timbers, but also want bright interior spaces, tall ceilings, and superior insulation (three things that log cabins are not known for), a timber frame home is the ideal choice.
Here we have a vintage timber frame that we added to an existing log home… an amazing combination.
The two had never met… the log cabin… and the timber frame… but it was easy to see once they stood next to each other, that it was a match made in heaven.

Originally posted 2016-04-28 13:12:30.

Timber frame and log… together2019-06-29T10:28:39+00:00

The combination of stone and log


I do love the combination of log and stone.
On this cabin we used limestone that we gathered from the Shenandoah Valley here in Virginia.
I thought the copper roof and bow window of the stone section added a lot to the overall appeal of this home.

Originally posted 2016-04-28 12:54:01.

The combination of stone and log2019-06-29T10:28:38+00:00

How did a fireplace become a luxury item?


The fire is lit.
I know… it’s not as efficient as a heat pump… but when is the last time you pulled up a chair and stared deeply into an air handler unit?
We have gathered around an open fire for thousands of years.
It’s only in our generation that fireplaces have been removed from our homes.
Now that’s just sad.

Originally posted 2016-04-28 12:17:21.

How did a fireplace become a luxury item?2019-06-29T10:28:37+00:00

Half way there


Here the log work has been completed on this cabin.
The massive stone chimney is built,
and the roof is on.
At this point in the construction many of us become anxious… we see our cabin and we want to move in!
But, the reality is that most of the work still lies ahead. It’s time to focus on the joy that comes with building one’s own home.
Once completed this cabin will offer a lifetime of enjoyment to those who dwell within her walls, and many memories of it’s creation.

Originally posted 2016-04-27 15:36:51.

Half way there2019-06-29T10:28:36+00:00

The American Canopy


I just finished reading this book and I highly recommend it. I have gained a whole new level of respect and awe at impact the forests of this nation has had on our history.

Originally posted 2016-04-26 11:22:59.

The American Canopy2019-06-29T10:28:35+00:00

Choose to take those first steps now

A log cabin in a wooded setting during the autumn season

Some want it to happen,
Some wish it to happen,
Some make it happen.
(pick the last option… your future self will love you for it!)
Here’s wishing you all a great week! and, may you one day find yourself sitting on that front porch!

Originally posted 2016-04-25 13:37:51.

Choose to take those first steps now2019-06-29T10:28:34+00:00

A copper roof… from shiny to green


A copper roof only stays “new penny shiny” for about a week, maybe two, before it quickly turns a milk chocolate brown. And then, give it 20 or 30 more years before it starts to develop a green cast.

Originally posted 2016-04-23 14:56:41.

A copper roof… from shiny to green2019-06-29T10:28:33+00:00

The sky

Iphone October 2011 099

One of the greatest joys in building a home is having a sky over my head as I work.
I love this “ever changing ceiling” so much that it influences my home designs by adding elements which encourage the future inhabitants to come outside and experience all the wonders to be found there.
Porches, patios, paths, retaining walls, outbuildings, fire pits, gardens, and water features.
And yes, the sky.
Oh my.

Originally posted 2016-04-23 14:46:07.

The sky2019-06-29T10:28:32+00:00

This is where you want to be


The first log is sitting on the stone foundation.
How much did it cost to get to this point?
Not much.
Will it cost a good bit more to finish?
You bet.
But the point is that if you can get yourself to this stage of construction, you will find a way to finish your cabin.
Many of suffer from “Analysis Paralysis” …  we over think things.
We feel we must know all the answers, and have all of our ducks in a row.
Have you ever seen a mother duck with all her ducklings?
She doesn’t wait for all of them to get in line before beginning.
She just boldly steps forward and then the orderly procession begins.
And that, is the way it works when building a home.
Every single time.
(BTW… this cabin’s construction is covered in detail in the upcoming Handmade House Academy. If you are signed up here at this site look for more information to be emailed out soon on it’ s first release!)

Originally posted 2016-04-21 17:15:33.

This is where you want to be2019-06-29T10:28:31+00:00

Go for your dreams!


Don’t be on your deathbed someday, having spent your life dealing with all of it’s distractions, instead of pursuing your big dreams.
I promise you, it’s worth the effort.

Originally posted 2016-04-21 15:54:57.

Go for your dreams!2019-06-29T10:28:30+00:00
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