Adding an antique staircase to a new home


I do love old staircases. I’ve been using salvaged ones for several decades now.
The quality of the craftsmanship and materials found in them cannot be replicated today.
It’s seems that each one I find is a one-of-a-kind, unlike newly built ones which can be identical whether they are found in small homes or monstrous manors… from one side of the country to the other.
I do love the old hand-tooled marks. and the wear patterns that come about through much use… treads that have been worn by a century or more of climbing, railings worn smooth by hands of both young and old alike. I wonder about those who might have slid down those railings laughing all the way,  or the children that might have sneaked down the stairs to see what Santa might have brought, or perhaps a young daughter on her way to her first date as her father anxiously looks on.
Some of my clients love the squeaks that seem to come with and old staircase. I do my best to get rid of them during the install, but it seems no matter what I do at least one will reappear. I had a kind client thank me deeply for “creating that lovely squeak”. I accepted the compliment, not wanting to confess how much effort I had put into removing it, and had failed.
I have spent over 30 years reusing salvaged materials in newer homes. Of all of the materials that I find available staircases are quite often the most numerous, and often the greatest bargain. Part of the reason for the abundance, and the low price, is because of a staircases massive size… they are huge and tough to manage, and struggle to put into place. Another reason is because they were often built for a very particular location, every staircase needs to start at a certain exact point and end at one as well. Another issue, and this is a big one, Building Codes often specify that a each rise height can vary no more than a very small amount… the risers on some old staircases vary a good bit… it’s smart to measure each one before buying.  And keep in mind that the distance from the top of the first floor to the top of the second floor needs to match the height of the staircase exactly… you can’t have half a step left over at the top!!!
With all of the above kept in mind. When I build a new home and I know that I want to use an old salvaged staircase, I often start  by finding and procuring the staircase first and then designing and building the home with those dimensions in mind.
I did rebuild an old house once that had a precious staircase in it that I knew it would not pass code due to varying dimensions in the risers. I went ahead with it hoping that somehow I could get it to pass. The building inspector did notice it, but had a talk with the owners of the home, pointing out the “imperfection” but then passing it on their acceptance. We were all tickled.

Originally posted 2016-04-02 12:31:39.

Adding an antique staircase to a new home2019-06-29T10:28:19+00:00

The perfect small log cabin


I was once challenged to design and build a log cabin, of the highest quality, and as small as possible… without being ridiculous.
And this… is what I built.
(I’m giving away the blueprints for this cabin to everyone who enrolls in the Handmade House Guild and Academy)
Go HERE to learn more!

Originally posted 2016-03-26 17:29:00.

The perfect small log cabin2019-06-29T10:28:18+00:00

Strive to improve the landscape with your home


Quite often when we look for land to purchase, a view is top priority. We want to enjoy scenic mountains or a rolling countryside when we kick back on our front porch.
It’s important to remember that when we build, our new home becomes part of that view.
Sometimes, if we build well, our homes can become “the view”… like this wonderful cabin.

Originally posted 2016-03-25 15:12:26.

Strive to improve the landscape with your home2019-06-29T10:28:17+00:00

Stone… stone… stone


No worries of this stone home being broken into… unless the burglar has a very long ladder. 😉

Originally posted 2016-03-25 14:53:55.

Stone… stone… stone2019-06-29T10:28:15+00:00

Wide stone chimney


A wide chimney announces that a cooking fireplace can be found inside.

Originally posted 2016-03-25 14:36:10.

Wide stone chimney2019-06-29T10:28:13+00:00

Chinking… from then, to now


Here is an example of primitive chinking.
In the early days of this country chinking, or “daubing”, would have had to be frequently repaired or replaced.
When lime became available chinking would become more durable and pleasing to the eye.
Later, cement would prove to be the best material… low cost, attractive, effective, and long lasting.

And then, man invented an expensive, synthetic, toxic, petroleum-derived product that was designed to look like cement as much as possible. This manufactured goo is messy to install and clean up after, and it’s durability is unproven (plastic products don’t have the best record of holding up under direct sunlight)  But people buy it… why? 1) there are salesmen and businesses that promote it (for profit) 2) there are brochures touting the benefits of it (whose going to produce a brochure or sales team for cement chinking?) and 3) it’s human nature to assume that the latest product… the most expensive choice… is the best choice.

Originally posted 2016-03-20 15:23:18.

Chinking… from then, to now2019-06-29T10:28:12+00:00

The Creation of the Handmade House Academy


I built my first handmade house nearly 40 years ago, and have been building unique handmade homes ever since. (BTW… I did start young… I’m not quite a fossil yet… lol)

I’ve learned a lot in all those years… trade secrets and simple ways of looking at things. I’ve had some great teachers along the way… talented craftsmen… and combined with lots of hands-on experience… and in addition… the pleasure of studying so many homes that have survived for a century or more.

I did very little advertising throughout my career, it seems that folks who wanted a special home found me through word of mouth. I guided these precious clients of mine through the design and building process with the goal of giving them their dream home. I have found that the only thing more pleasurable than having a handmade home is playing a major role in its design and construction.

If you haven’t experienced it, I hope that one day you will.

In looking online it seems there is no shortage of information out there on “how to notch a cabin” or “how to lay a stone”, but nowhere do I find any source that teaches a person the basic concepts and steps on how to design and build an attractive handmade home.

To me, that is the most important lesson of all… one that needs to be a priority… from the first dreamed vision, to the final stroke of a paintbrush.

Rather than taking a lifetime of handmade house insights to the grave I thought about how great it would be to just sit down and share a full day (eight hours) of focused time and share what I have learned through all these years of designing and building one-of-a-kind homes…  to help move anyone interested “30 or 40 years down the learning curve”.

Just think about how much money could be saved, and how much better a home could be built by making such a leap!

(and what I would have given to have had such an opportunity when I began my journey.

For many, the Handmade House Academy likely will be life-changing in that something that was once viewed as impossible to have, suddenly becomes achievable.

Building a home does require a lot of work, but it can be an extremely enjoyable experience.

I’ve always said… “It’s much easier to design and build one’s own home, than it is to live with the regret of never having done so.”

And so this idea of “sharing it all” spawned the creation of the Handmade House Academy.

The Handmade House Academy is only available to those who are Members of the Handmade House Guild… I hope that you will consider joining us!


Originally posted 2016-03-19 15:28:27.

The Creation of the Handmade House Academy2019-06-29T10:28:11+00:00

The perfect porch roof


Such a wonderful cabin isn’t it?

One unique feature of this cabin is the combination of a metal roof on the main cabin… and a wood shake roof over the porch.  I’ve seen plenty of cabins with metal roofing installed all over, and just as many with nothing but wood shingles.  I’ve also seen (and built) quite a few homes with a shake roof on the cabin and a metal one over the porch. But I don’t ever recall seeing this reversed combination.

Both forms of roofing (metal or wood shingle) work well, and look great, on the steep pitch roof of a cabin like this. But on the shallower pitch roof of a porch, wood shakes can be prone to leaking. In many areas of the country a roof pitched as shallow as this, covered in wood shingles, would be forbidden by the building code for that very reason.

So, one has to ask… other than code considerations… and aesthetics… and roof leakage issues… is there any other reason to consider having, or not having, a wood shake roof over a porch?

Yes.. there is one…  metal roofs are loud… really loud, when you are outside under them during a heavy rain. The rain is all you will hear, unlike a wood roof which will be pleasantly quiet.

But, on the flip side of that coin, a lot of people like to hear the rain striking a metal roof and are often disappointed to find that by putting a metal roof on their well-insulated home that they don’t hear the rain at all.  Whereas if they put a metal roof over the non-insulated porch, well, it might be loud outside under it… but inside the home the homeowners would experience the perfect volume level to hear that summer rainfall coming in from the porch area.

What’s my recommendation? Metal, for sure. But then again…

Originally posted 2016-03-18 16:54:58.

The perfect porch roof2019-06-29T10:28:10+00:00
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