29 06, 2019

Almost there



A sweet old country cabin… just precious.

I don’t mean to be critical but I don’t share opinions on how  each structure can be improved, well, this site has no purpose.

The roof overhangs are too great. It looks like the eaves of the house extend nearly three feet.  This creates a visually crushing effect of the house… squashing the second floor. A foot or less of overhang would have been so much better.

Originally posted 2016-01-08 12:42:41.

Almost there2019-06-29T10:26:35+00:00
29 06, 2019

The attraction of a log home



Log homes are like magnets to us humans… they just draw people to them.
For some reason they also seem to attract wagon wheels… lol
The little stream out front adds a lot to the serenity of this place, doesn’t it?

Originally posted 2016-01-05 13:41:50.

The attraction of a log home2019-06-29T10:26:33+00:00
29 06, 2019

One step at a time



Building a log cabin, one section at a time, makes a lot of sense, and it produces a very attractive home. The simple break in this roof line adds so much to the appearance of this home.

Originally posted 2016-01-02 13:18:20.

One step at a time2019-06-29T10:26:28+00:00
29 06, 2019

As simple as it can be



A log home… with a porch and a metal roof.

Nothing here to impress the neighbors.

But it feels like home.

Originally posted 2016-01-01 18:05:29.

As simple as it can be2019-06-29T10:26:26+00:00
29 06, 2019

She is not symmetrical



Notice how the center door and window are skewed to one side of the center of this cabin… and ponder, if you will, the affect that this change has given to this log home.
I imagine the reason the builder did this was to be able to create two equal size rooms within the cabin. He ignored the urge within most of us to make the home symmetrical, which tends to make a home “formal” looking and instead created… “charming”.

Originally posted 2015-12-21 16:09:07.

She is not symmetrical2019-06-29T10:26:06+00:00
29 06, 2019

What are the benefits of living in a real cabin?



It’s a great question… and today, I’m not going to try to answer it.

But rather, I’d just like you to take a moment and look at this photo and contemplate for yourself on how living in a place like this would affect you. Would your life be better?… Enough so that having a place like this should become a goal to have, rather than just a daydream?

I heard it said the other day that “a goal without a date is just a wish”.

And we know that to be true… if we aren’t putting out some effort towards getting something it will likely never happen and then one day we will find ourselves living with the regret of never having tried.

So maybe, make this coming year the time where you will make the first small steps towards having a handmade home of your own.  I’m working a little video now that I hope to release soon (free) that will give you a dozen or so inexpensive steps that you can take that will get you far enough down the path towards having a place like this that you will find yourself living in that cabin before you know it!

Originally posted 2015-12-19 15:21:53.

What are the benefits of living in a real cabin?2019-06-29T10:26:01+00:00
29 06, 2019

A log and stone home



Log and stone.
What a great home!
If I may be so bold as to suggest a “if I had built this” comment…
I just can’t help myself…
It’s the way I am… lol…
It’s challenging to find a more attractive house than the ones that feature the combination of log and stone.
I would have made one little adjustment on this home that I feel would have made it much more appealing… I would have built the stone addition a different size than the log section, rather than having it as a continuation of the existing log structure.
Here I would have made the stone section one-and-a-half story tall and I would have recessed it a foot or two back from the front of the log section. This subtle change would have made each section “pop” and celebrated each section’s uniqueness.
And, of course, (while I’m making changes), I’d have added a welcoming porch across the front of the cabin.

Originally posted 2015-12-13 17:57:58.

A log and stone home2019-06-29T10:25:47+00:00
29 06, 2019

The width of a porch



This attractive log home fascinates me.

One of the many design “rules” in building an attractive log home is to properly size the front porch of a cabin.

Through decades of observing  old log homes, and in building traditionally designed new ones, I have observed that…

A six foot porch, which is common on many new homes built today, is unheard of and impractical on a country cabin because it is simply too small to be useful.

Whereas, an eight foot porch is ideal, being visually appealing and offering plenty of room for rocking chairs, porch swings, and guests to stand on.

A wide ten foot porch is rare and often too large, appearing somewhat awkward and overbearing on any cabin other than the very largest of ones (20 feet or wider). These oversized “ten-footers” do offer the benefit of abundant exterior space, enough that a picnic table or even sleeping cots can be set up, and thus an outdoor space can practically become an exterior room.

As useful as these wider porches are I have often encouraged people to stick with the traditional eight-foot porches.

But here on this cabin we have what appears to be a unheard of fourteen-foot porch!

I can think of no other cabin like it.

If someone had told me of such a thing without seeing this image I’d probably have chuckled at the idea of how odd it must look.

But I would have been wrong… this cabin looks great!

Perhaps, rules are meant to be broken.

And, that when one breaks the rules, they need to be bold about it!

Originally posted 2015-12-12 16:40:32.

The width of a porch2019-06-29T10:25:46+00:00
29 06, 2019

A very nice primitive cabin



At one time this was likely the most common home found in this country.

Originally posted 2015-12-10 19:57:32.

A very nice primitive cabin2019-06-29T10:25:41+00:00
29 06, 2019

Overhanging roof



This cabin’s overhanging roof creates a sheltered exterior space.

Originally posted 2015-12-10 12:42:32.

Overhanging roof2019-06-29T10:25:37+00:00
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