About Noah Bradley

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29 06, 2019

The Ruth cabin… part 10



In the background the mason chips away on the next stone that he will use to build the foundation.

And, in the foreground, one of the carpenters also chips away, but he works on a log, refining it to fit just perfectly.

I had four carpenters working on this project, from the beginning with the barn salvage operation where we harvested the logs, to the installation of the last piece of trim on the final day.

It took us eight long, wonderful, months to complete this cabin.

In addition to the carpenters I also had a stone mason and his helper there most of that time building the foundation, the chimney, the fireplace, and, the stone exterior steps.

I’m not certain why, but masons make more money than carpenters… it’s the way it has always been. The men that “work the wood” are the lowest paid men on a construction site. The world is not fair.

And, let’s not forget that there was me and all my efforts… designing the home, supervising the jobsite, finding and acquiring all the materials needed, etc. The crew would always give me a hard time… they viewed me as the most expendable member of the team… but without me, none of this would have happened… I’m the guy with “the vision” and “the herder of cats”. And, they knew that… at least… I think they did.

So, in total there were seven men, each working very hard for eight months… that’s better than four-and-a-half man years for someone thinking of attempting something like this on their own. And that’s not counting the roofers, the electricians, the plumbers, the excavators, the well drillers, the painters, and the heating/air technicians.

Clearly a lot goes into building one of these cabins.

All the men who have ever worked for me have wanted to be paid more. All the subcontractors also have wanted to make as much as they could. And, of course, all the government agencies and insurance companies have demanded their cut as well.

On the other end of the equation was the client, the home owner, you know, the person who pays everyone. They want things as low cost as possible. Who can blame them?

It’s a constant balancing act trying to please everyone… in the end it is a rare event when anyone has been happy about the amount of money that was exchanged… those working feel somewhat slighted… and those paying the bills wonder if they paid too much… and the builder, who just wants to build, is stressed out, from hearing from all sides of their displeasure.

But in the end, and there always is an end, what really matters is the home that was built. Over time the money issues are forgotten and what stands for all to see is the work.

My friends, build as well as you can, and in the end there will be nothing but praise and thankfulness for what was created, for decades to come, perhaps centuries to come, by those who admire our work long after we are gone.

Originally posted 2015-05-25 16:01:12.

The Ruth cabin… part 102019-06-29T10:16:20+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Ruth cabin… part 9



The Ruth cabin would have a copper roof…

The cabin’s owners planned on this home being a generational home, one which would be passed down to their children and then onto their children’s children. They wanted a roof that would not only be attractive and long lasting, but a wise investment as the years would go by and the roof never needing to be replaced.

I designed the home to easily adapt to the home expansion that would come five years later. The window on this end of the cabin would quickly be converted to a doorway with the aid of a chainsaw.

The porch posts and rafters on the front were framed out of old barn timbers… it’s floor was framed out of new pressure treated wood and covered in rough-sawn oak purchased from a local sawmill.

This porch, low in cost, virtually added another room to the cabin, an area greatly enjoyed by family and visitors alike.

I think the little lean-to addition off of the back, covered in cedar siding, adds to the aesthetics of the cabin… it creates visual “balance” and… functionality, by giving the cabin a small kitchen and bath.

Originally posted 2015-05-25 14:15:34.

The Ruth cabin… part 92019-06-29T10:16:19+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Ruth cabin… part 8



The Ruth cabin started out like many of my projects, with a mess.

The logs we used to build this cabin were salvaged from an old barn that had seen her better days.

Originally posted 2015-05-25 13:51:25.

The Ruth cabin… part 82019-06-29T10:16:18+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Ruth cabin… part 7



Here’s a peek into the cabin’s bath…. the shower (which is unseen) is off to the right of the old pine door.

We focus on every inch of a cabin when we build, trying to get every detail as perfect as we can. I think this photo reveals a lot of that effort… let me point out some of the special features we created in this small space.

First, you can see that the floors are old worn heartpine floors that were salvaged from an old home. On that floor you will see a cast iron floor grate which is part of the system that supplies heating and air conditioning. Yes, this is a rustic cabin, but she is very comfy. The “male inhabitant” of this cabin told me that his wife’s idea of roughing it was no HBO. lol

The walls are all antique roof sheathing boards that are riddled with nail holes from several roofs that once covered the building from which these logs were salvaged. This wood added much visual warmth to the bath… and… speaking of warmth… on the wall under the window is small heating unit for those cold days… I like a little extra heat in the bath when the snow is falling outside.

The cabin’s owners had a special glass window made for this room which we hung for them… the detail of this photo can’t reveal it but we whittled out a little wooden latch for that window and we even carved the same pattern on it that the window had. And, of course, we used an aged brass screw to attach that latch to the wall.

We made the little vanity out of leftover antique flooring and had the roofers make us a copper countertop for it out of leftover material from the cabin’s roof.

My clients did some shopping at antique stores and found this precious antique medicine chest with a mirror which adds greatly to the charm of this bath. There is something magical about the reflection that can be had on an old mirror that can’t be found on a new one.

And finally, we left the logs from the cabin exposed on that one wall, in case you were to ever forget that you were in a log cabin. wink emoticon

(one final note… notice that we did not use any drywall in this entire cabin… any painted surfaces that you see, from the kitchen walls, to the ceiling in the bedroom, is painted wood board paneling)

Originally posted 2015-05-25 13:03:31.

The Ruth cabin… part 72019-06-29T10:16:17+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Ruth cabin… part 4



Here’s the staircase that leads to the cabin’s bedroom upstairs.

Under the staircase you can see a nice closet complete with an old antique door… and to the right of that, is an antique table with seating for four when it is pulled out a bit from the wall.

Originally posted 2015-05-24 23:13:47.

The Ruth cabin… part 42019-06-29T10:16:14+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Ruth Cabin… part 3



There doesn’t need to be a conflict between having high quality and affordable price.

Anyone can have quality if they are willing to sacrifice quantity. A person can buy a wood chair for the price of eight of those plastic chairs from Walmart. Or, they can build a small cabin, for the price of a bit larger vinyl home or log cabin kit.

This family wanted quality, top and foremost, but they were like most of us, lean in the wallet. So they tasked me with designing the smallest cabin that I could that would meet their needs, and at the same time allow me to build something as nice as I could.

I admired their wisdom and loved every minute of the challenge.

I thought about the idea of creating a course.. putting together a bunch of instructional videos, and an instructional manual, and, a set of blue prints… all to help others build a cabin like this. Do you think there would be any interest in something like that?

Originally posted 2015-05-24 15:36:07.

The Ruth Cabin… part 32019-06-29T10:16:13+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Ruth Cabin… part 2



This profile of the cabin turned out so well that the cabin’s owners would on occasion find an artist and his/her easel standing in their front yard.

They were once surprised to find that “Plow and Hearth” was selling prints of a painting made of their cabin… that image made the cover of one of their magazines.

From what I understand thousands of those prints were sold.

I like the idea that something I designed and built graces the walls of people I’ve never met. Maybe I didn’t invent the internet, nor did I get wealthy, but I did create something that is pleasing to the eye.

I encourage you to do the same, whether it’s a song, or a quilt, or a painting, or a chair… leave behind a legacy.

Or maybe you want to build a cabin? or other type of home or structure? how can I help you?

Originally posted 2015-05-24 15:17:47.

The Ruth Cabin… part 22019-06-29T10:16:12+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Ruth Cabin



I once met a wonderful family who lived in “the Metro world”. They had recently purchased a scenic piece of rural land which was a two hour drive from their busy lives.

They dreamed of building a small little cabin on the property… one that they could use on weekends and for vacations.

They envisioned that when the day came to retire that they would sell their city home and use those funds to add onto this little cabin.

Their plan worked.

I designed and built that little dream cabin for them and a few years later they called me back to turn that cabin into an incredible home. One of my absolute favorites.

Next up, let me share that story with you.

Originally posted 2015-05-24 14:29:15.

The Ruth Cabin2019-06-29T10:16:11+00:00
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