Old school craftsmanship
Noah Bradley2019-06-29T10:29:56+00:00Isn’t this the most incredible thing?
To me it is art in it’s purest form. (no, I’m not talking about my boots lol).
Here we have the very top of an eleven sided silo. This is what we found when we removed the metal roofing. I know… I’m a nut, but to me this is just amazing. Upon finding this I was suddenly transported back a hundred years when “farmer John”, who had been working hard to build this structure, found himself nearly 50 feet up in the air (one slip and there would be a funeral in the family that week). So here he is, way up in the air, fearing death, proud of his accomplishment, nearly finished, glancing occasionally at a view he’d never seen, and carving out this eleven sided cone with a handsaw and a hatchet.
I have no doubt a carpenter today, wearing a safety harness, given enough time, could make something like this out of plywood, but it would never equal this masterpiece.
Originally posted 2015-02-01 11:23:43.