About Noah Bradley

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29 06, 2019

Log church



What a great log structure. I would imagine that this cabin was built by the entire community as a place where they could all gather and fellowship, (which only impresses me more with this log building).

Notice the logs that are above the front doorway and how much more aged they are. Likely there was once a roof above the door and these logs were exposed to the splashing rain over a period of decades. When building a cabin I often give extra attention to the logs above a porch.

Originally posted 2015-12-08 16:07:31.

Log church2019-06-29T10:25:28+00:00
29 06, 2019

A home should blend into the environment



I have yet to build a hobbit style home… I so hope to do so… one day.

But hoping won’t make it happen, I need to start planning towards it, so that is what I’m now doing.

Now, will my wife want to live in hobbit home?… likely not. But fortunately one of the keys to building a handmade house is the freedom to combine several types of construction formats… build a home that is part this, and part that… perhaps have a log cabin den, a post-and-beam kitchen and maybe a hobbit guest room?

Originally posted 2015-12-08 15:46:02.

A home should blend into the environment2019-06-29T10:25:27+00:00
29 06, 2019

Inviting… even in a state of disrepair



Everything that I see in the image needs some degree of attention and care, and yet… all is well.

Interesting. Isn’t it?… that we could admire something lacking polish.

With regard to cabins and homes, it all comes down to good design and a wise choice in materials. I doubt if a new log cabin kit with a vinyl sided addition, in this state of aging, would be seen as equally attractive.


Originally posted 2015-12-08 15:34:08.

Inviting… even in a state of disrepair2019-06-29T10:25:26+00:00
29 06, 2019

The elegance of simplicity



How is it that such a simple structure can hold us so captive?

I could try to answer the question with “why I think this small cabin is special”…but for today, for this inviting place… I’ll leave it for you to ponder the question and come up with your own answer.

After all, it’s the questions we ask ourselves that make this life so special. 🙂

Originally posted 2015-12-08 15:07:16.

The elegance of simplicity2019-06-29T10:25:25+00:00
29 06, 2019

Log patches and repairs



A nice little cabin with tall and skinny windows and doors.
The miss-mash arrangement of logs above the windows and front door is most interesting… I would imagine it is the result of a shortage of straight materials, the need of some patching and replacements of rotted wood, and some creative woodworkers who just tried to fill empty spaces.

Originally posted 2015-12-08 14:57:04.

Log patches and repairs2019-06-29T10:25:24+00:00
29 06, 2019

Brick patterns



Here we have a peek inside of one of the outdoor kitchens in Colonial Willamsburg.
Notice the pattern of the brick… not only of the floor… but of the fireplace.
Today we are blessed with a boundless variety of attractive brick, but for some unknown reason very few people bother to choose any other pattern of laying these brick than the monotonous “running bond” pattern that is seen practically everywhere… from brick ranchers to shopping malls.

Originally posted 2015-12-08 14:52:34.

Brick patterns2019-06-29T10:25:23+00:00
29 06, 2019

Perfection is rare



What do we have here?
… Antique flooring. Nice.
… An arched stone fireplace with a wonderful surrounding mantelpiece… and… a working iron crane for cooking.
… An attractive winding staircase with a precious small closet door that accesses the closet below… and… a large window which lights the stairs.
… And, to top it off, all of this is found in a vintage log cabin.
… Oh my.
I don’t know how it could get any better.

Originally posted 2015-12-05 13:57:46.

Perfection is rare2019-06-29T10:25:22+00:00
29 06, 2019

Rock house



Have you ever had one of those days where you’d like to crawl up under a rock and hide from the world?

Originally posted 2015-12-04 16:00:32.

Rock house2019-06-29T10:25:21+00:00
29 06, 2019

Stacked log construction



Just imagine what wonders might be at the top of those stairs…

These hewn pine logs are magnificent…. the skill and workmanship necessary to be able to create precise dimensional timbers like this is very rare. I imagine that there are spikes driven down through each row of logs keeping this structure bound together.

This barn has a cantilevered roof that  keeps water completely away from the structure… without it, ran would find it’s way into the spaces in between the logs and then it would rot out in a few short years. But, with a good roof in place, this structure will last for centuries.

Originally posted 2015-12-04 15:28:24.

Stacked log construction2019-06-29T10:25:20+00:00
29 06, 2019

The noise… the noise



I’ve heard it said that if we could find ourselves magically transported back in time that we would find our sense of smell overwhelmed… from the fires, the natural materials, the herbs, the animals (and the deposits they leave behind), and from the people themselves who did not bath frequently.
And that those folks of the past, if transported to our time, would be equally impacted by the constant noise of our world.

Originally posted 2015-12-04 12:27:41.

The noise… the noise2019-06-29T10:25:19+00:00
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