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29 06, 2019

The World’s most famous chink joint



Twenty-five years ago today I helped a precious family create a lasting legacy.

On that day, April 14,1990 each member of this family placed the palms of their hands into a fresh cement chink joint of the log cabin that I was then re-erecting for them.

Those hand-prints are still there today as perfect as they were the day they were made, and as they will likely be in the decades, and perhaps centuries, to come.

And, those hand-prints have been published in multiple magazines and books along with the rest of this beautiful log home. In fact this famous chink joint made the cover of one of those books… Hands-on Log Cabins by Cindy Thiede.

I remember that day clearly, it was a Saturday and I drove over to the cabin to accomplish this one mission. We had picked one of the widest chink joints in the home to ensure room for everyone’s hand.

Now the thing about chink joints is that the wider they are, the heavier they are, and the heavier they are, the more likely they are to fall off of the wall while still wet.

I have lost a few fresh chink joints over the years just by someone slamming a door shortly after the cement had been applied. πŸ™

I carefully applied this wide chink joint while the family of five watched on. We all know how much more challenging it is to do something when each move we make is under observation don’t we? πŸ˜‰

The family was clearly excited, I was inwardly stressed. After all, I didn’t know if this could be done.

The chinking went up perfectly.

I was very proud, and relieved.

I’m not certain which hand it was that brought that cement chinking crashing to the floor.

As I had feared, the act of pressing a hand into vertical cement was not perhaps the best thing to do, and the act of pulling the hand back out proved to be destructive.

I don’t remember how many times I applied that one chink joint that day… three or four times is my best guess. Maybe, it was more.

But it was SO worth it.

That moment was frozen in time not only that family but for me. Who else can claim that they remember what they were doing twenty-five years ago today?

And that chink joint… well… it still lives on today, and it still touches everyone’s heart that sees it.

Originally posted 2015-04-14 13:53:29.

The World’s most famous chink joint2019-06-29T10:13:56+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Sugar Hollow house… part 17



Here’s a great set of photos showing the real life process of setting a top plate…

The first one shows the challenge of aligning all the tenons of the posts as the plate is lowered into place.

The second image shows the foreman stepping in and pointing out the problem…


The then this photo reveals how man has been solving all his problems since creation… “just hit it with a hammer”… in this case a very big hammer…


Finally, pegs are driven into place, locking the building together for the centuries to come…


Originally posted 2015-04-13 14:45:41.

The Sugar Hollow house… part 172019-06-29T10:13:55+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Sugar Hollow house… part 16



With the aid of a crane all the second floor joists floated down onto the frame.

As each was locked into place this home grew more and more stable… any sign of movement disappeared. She became “solid as a rock”.

I’m always torn with the use of a crane. For certain they require less physical effort on the individuals who build these homes. So, there is that.

But there is also something lost… for one thing… silence. A diesel engine runs constantly. Everything else is drowned out. There is no conversation, no sound of masons striking their chisels, no birds signing in the background.

And the focus of the work becomes the crane… it must be fed. Men become servants of the machine. All attention is given to getting the job done, there is no time for savoring the now… enjoying the moment… or seizing the day.

Originally posted 2015-04-13 14:29:44.

The Sugar Hollow house… part 162019-06-29T10:13:54+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Sugar Hollow house… part 15



After the top plates were set on the front and back of the Sugar Hollow House, then we set the end plates…



Originally posted 2015-04-13 13:39:12.

The Sugar Hollow house… part 152019-06-29T10:13:53+00:00
29 06, 2019

Setting the top plate… part 5



The problem with the top plate not properly fitting is found.

My foreman points to the area that needs attention.

The top plate then slides into position and it is once again reunited with the home.

And, as an added bonus, I had taken one of the best photos of my career. πŸ™‚

I am reminded of another “life lesson” in looking at this image… one that I have found works well throughout the construction of a house… whenever I encounter a problem rather than hover over it and try to figure it out… I find that I can often solve it by standing back and just take in the bigger picture, and then the solution is often revealed.

Originally posted 2015-04-12 15:38:09.

Setting the top plate… part 52019-06-29T10:13:52+00:00
29 06, 2019

Setting the top plate… part 4



There is clearly a hold up… somewhere along the long line of tenons one of them is not behaving correctly. The job foremen scurries down the ladder to find where the problem area is.

Can you see the energy flowing from him? Can you see the urge to point? lol

Originally posted 2015-04-12 15:15:48.

Setting the top plate… part 42019-06-29T10:13:51+00:00
29 06, 2019

Setting the top plate… part 3



Here you can see that everyone is in position. The crew now needs to guide the top plate as twelve different vertical tenons have to align perfectly at the same time.

Originally posted 2015-04-12 15:02:03.

Setting the top plate… part 32019-06-29T10:13:50+00:00
29 06, 2019

Setting the top plate… part 2



Here we see a man who is clearly, fully, committed to setting this top plate in place. Both hands on a swinging beam. It looks scarier than it was… but still, it takes a special breed of man to do the work we do.

I’ve been running my own restoration/building company now for twenty six years, and other than my broken finger, the most serious injury that I recall on my crew were splinters (we have had our share of them).

And for that, I am so thankful.

Originally posted 2015-04-12 14:40:28.

Setting the top plate… part 22019-06-29T10:13:49+00:00
29 06, 2019

Setting the top plate… part 1



Here we have a forty-four foot long piece of clear heart pine lumber being slowly craned up for the crew to install.

Try walking into a lumber yard and asking for a piece of wood like that. πŸ™‚

The crewman in the middle, seen in this photo, is most eager to touch this treasure.

Originally posted 2015-04-12 14:28:31.

Setting the top plate… part 12019-06-29T10:13:48+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Sugar Hollow house… part 14



Men never fully grow up.

It seems as if there remains inside of each man a little boy.

I have observed through my many years of building unique homes that men love to climb. It’s just part of their nature. Like monkeys, they are.

I’ve got tons of photos similar to this one. Photos that I find that I’m not sure what the crewman is doing, but certainly he is hanging on… and clearly busy.

It doesn’t matter if we were building a timber frame, or if it was a log cabin. Regardless of the project, there are photos throughout my photo box of men hanging onto various timbered structures.

Now keep in mind, that this activity was not brought about because a ladder was unavailable… I always kept an ample supply on site. And I must confess that I was not immune to the “call to climb”… boy, I could tell you some stories in that regard. lol

It is a shame that our world today supplies little opportunity for men to climb as they once did when they were little boys… but I am here to bear witness, that if given the opportunity, eventually all men, will climb.

I’ve also noticed that they smile more broadly when they do.

Originally posted 2015-04-11 17:22:19.

The Sugar Hollow house… part 142019-06-29T10:13:47+00:00
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