Corn crib roof… one that you can touch
Three parting photos of the corn crib project. None are glamorous finish photos, but each has something I’d like to point out.
The first shows the exterior of the crib as she was finished, the old barn board siding blended in together over the next few years and looks amazing today. The owner decided she wanted to cap the exterior railing with red anodized aluminum, for flare. hmmm. That’s all I have to say about that.
The second photo shows the roofing crew that was sent out to install the cedar shingles. Ten men for such a small roof. They finished the roof that day. Amazing.
And finally, I show you a side of the house where you can touch the roof. If you want to know one of my secrets in building a house that satisfies the soul, this is one of them… never, ever, install an asphalt shingle roof, go with quality… metal, shingle, or slate… and design your home so that you can really be impacted by it’s roof visually, and if you can, so that you can actually reach up and touch it.
Originally posted 2015-02-22 16:06:00.