Is it a log home, or a stone home?


For those who can’t decide if they want a log house… or a stone house.

I’ve never seen another like it.

Early log homes were “chinked with stones or scraps of wood and then a layer of mud and fiber was applied over that on each side to keep the cold and rain out. This is the log home that I’ve seen where a mason carefully applied and chinked around these stones. The result, while not common, is rather attractive.

Originally posted 2015-10-30 13:08:03.

Is it a log home, or a stone home?2019-06-29T10:03:16+00:00

An old log gristmill


What a great mill… a lot of human power went into the effort of harnessing water power.

Originally posted 2015-10-28 17:19:35.

An old log gristmill2019-06-29T10:03:15+00:00

Two patterns of stonework in the same house


An ancient home in Peru… The same stone laying technique, of carefully laying the corners in a horizontal pattern while filling the space in between with a random pattern, can also be found here on some early American structures.

Originally posted 2015-10-28 17:00:58.

Two patterns of stonework in the same house2019-06-29T10:03:14+00:00

A fine old cabin…


The cabin is precious.
The chimney is very well done.
The chinking, not so much… it needs to be replaced.

Originally posted 2015-10-28 08:43:17.

A fine old cabin…2019-06-29T10:03:13+00:00

Maybe, we need fireplaces

Colonial Blog 003

Whenever I have a fire, before turning in for the evening, and after having turned off all the house lights, I make sure and take at least a few minutes to just pause and stare at the flames.
I find that a room lit with only the light of a fireplace to be comforting and reassuring that all is well.
I imagine fires have been giving comfort to us all for many generations.
Maybe… we need fireplaces.
Maybe… they are more than luxuries.

Originally posted 2015-10-27 21:00:09.

Maybe, we need fireplaces2019-06-29T10:03:12+00:00

Old hewn cabin


Nothing else like having a little bit of firewood stacked on the porch!

Originally posted 2015-10-27 20:38:46.

Old hewn cabin2019-06-29T10:03:11+00:00

The downfall of good design


Both of these modest home’s designs are considered “Colonial”.
The first one is two hundred years old.
And, the second one is relatively new.
Can you see how much architectural design has improved over the course of two centuries?



Originally posted 2015-10-27 20:31:57.

The downfall of good design2019-06-29T10:03:10+00:00

An Arkansas log cabin


A sweet little cabin out of Arkansas.
Notice the unique step method in building the chimney… It appears that at each transition stage the mason dropped to a smaller size going forward… that is, after the first floor fireplace and smoke chamber were created, then the second floor fireplace, etc.

I can’t say that I like the look, to me it looks like someone did a poor job of Photoshopping the image, but, to each his own.

Originally posted 2015-10-26 15:06:54.

An Arkansas log cabin2019-06-29T10:03:09+00:00

Think differently


When it comes time to buy a kitchen stove consider shopping online for a unique stove.

Originally posted 2015-10-26 14:28:07.

Think differently2019-06-29T10:03:08+00:00

A log cabin in it’s simplest form


Alex Cole Cabin in Roaring Fork

Alex Cole Cabin in Roaring Fork


No windows, no porches, no stone foundation, no additions, no dormers, and even the stone chimney is hidden on the other side. There are no dramatic views to be seen, no nearby outbuildings to create added charm. She is just a simple cabin on the edge of a woods. And yet, in all this simplicity she is beautiful.

Originally posted 2015-10-26 14:10:45.

A log cabin in it’s simplest form2019-06-29T10:03:07+00:00
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