A handmade house begins with dirty lumber
It’s not very pretty… lots of dirty lumber and mud, but this is the reality of what a new/old structure looks like when you begin the process. Keep in mind that building a handmade house is sort of like having a newborn baby… you can’t let the poop scare you.
When building a home or a cabin the process often starts with the purchase of an antique structure. You want to buy the BEST there is out there on the market. You are going to spend a lot more money finishing the structure than this initial purchase, but this purchase is the core, is the heart, is the most visible piece. It’s what you are after most of all. DO NOT buy the cheapest, shop around, find someone with plenty of experience to help you determine if it’s the best, don’t rely on the guy selling it to you to tell you the truth. And with all that said, keep in mind that the best antique structure out there is old, in need of repair, and it’s very dirty. Trust me, it can be scary when the material is delivered, but have faith, it’s going to be wonderful when finished.
I’d also like to point out in this picture my wonderful 1988 Ford truck. I bought her new for $9,000 and it took me a couple years to forgive myself for paying that much for a truck. Well, I still drive that same truck today, with 450,000 miles, and antique tags, on her. I no longer beat myself up about what I paid for it.
I saw a commercial during the 2015 Super Bowl that revealed that men look better standing next to a truck. It is so, so true. 😉
A man needs a truck. If you don’t have one, get one today.
Originally posted 2015-02-02 17:06:36.