29 06, 2019

The ruins of a handmade house



Even the ruins of an abandoned and neglected handmade home is attractive.
This is not a toxic waste site.
No need to haul everything off to a landfill.
The remains can be enjoyed by all, or the materials reused.. and even at this stage, the house could be restored, and once again occupied.

Originally posted 2015-09-17 16:10:05.

The ruins of a handmade house2019-06-29T10:21:22+00:00
29 06, 2019

Two windows on the front



Now isn’t this a fine place to come upon. 🙂

I’ve always found that a stone home with three windows across it’s front presents a formal, grand, impression. But a home with only two windows seems to be more like a cottage, more inviting, more intimate.

Originally posted 2015-09-12 14:39:03.

Two windows on the front2019-06-29T10:21:01+00:00
29 06, 2019

Curious what you can find in a wall



Now that is curious… the mason must have run low on rocks to use in this wall?

I’ve seen my share of new chimneys built with an occasional beer can installed, but this is my first full bottle of whiskey that I’ve seen prominently displayed.

Originally posted 2015-09-06 13:42:56.

Curious what you can find in a wall2019-06-29T10:20:40+00:00
29 06, 2019

What makes this stone house so special?



I really like this stone farmhouse.

Isn’t she beautiful?

I like all stone houses, at least any built prior to the 1900’s, and many of them afterwards. But for some reason, I find this one pleases my eye more than most… and I have to ask myself why is that? (which is a good habit for everyone to develop)  It’s not the color of the windows, it’s not the level of quality in the stonework. Nor is the location, which is very nice. And thankfully there is a nice roof on the house and not an asphalt shingle distraction.

So, what is it about this place?

I think what makes her special is that she is small… and tall.

Most older stone homes have three windows across the front, they are longer, and the result is more of a farmhouse look… or even that of a fortress. By shortening this house by a third the builder has created an impression of a stone cottage.

It appears that an addition has been created off of the one end of this house… which gives the house the same square footage as her larger sisters… Well done! and a tip of the hat to this builder!

Originally posted 2015-08-28 17:53:30.

What makes this stone house so special?2019-06-29T10:20:25+00:00
29 06, 2019

A stone staircase



Just going down to the basement dear.

Here we have a three-fold knock out combination… the beauty of natural stone, the added elegance of a curved stairway, and as a finishing touch… all that wonderful natural light pouring in from the staircase window.

Of course today our building codes would demand a handrail on that staircase. I wonder what the kings of old would have said to the local building inspector upon being given an inspection failure slip? lol

I don’t know if I will ever achieve a staircase like this for myself, but I do my best when designing or building a home to make sure that a window finds it’s way into the staircase.


Originally posted 2015-08-27 14:02:41.

A stone staircase2019-06-29T10:20:23+00:00
29 06, 2019

Stone endures



Here we have two fine homes…
The first, with white trim work, is the oldest home in Washington DC.
The second is the oldest home in the state of Georgia.
A stone home just can’t be topped can it?


Originally posted 2015-08-25 15:46:46.

Stone endures2019-06-29T10:20:20+00:00
29 06, 2019

A central chimney



Life in New England during the winter was hard. Many of the homes there were literally built around a fireplace to keep all the heat generated and stored within it’s masonry in the home.

Here’s a great illustration on the importance our ancestors placed on a stone chimney when building their homes.

We gained a heat pump, but lost so much.

Originally posted 2015-08-24 13:17:34.

A central chimney2019-06-29T10:20:18+00:00
29 06, 2019

A castle fireplace



Although a fireplace like this one from an English castle would not be practical in today’s home… still… it is worth pondering. What is it about this room that is so visually striking and how can that be adapted to your dream home?

The benefits of having a large fireplace…

1) No need to cut your firewood up into tiny, easy-to-handle pieces.
2) No need to cut your meat up into individual servings before cooking… just cook the whole pig!
3) Imagine the heat this fireplace would give off when fully stoked!
4) Plenty of room for you and your friends to stand around the fire.

Whose got the marshmallows?

Originally posted 2015-08-24 13:05:24.

A castle fireplace2019-06-29T10:20:17+00:00
29 06, 2019

Field stone? or river rock?



Which do you prefer?
The traditional method of gathering stone found on the property and laid in a horizontal pattern?
Or, the more modern use of stones gathered from rivers and stream beds and applied in a random pattern?


For me the answer is obvious.  The field stone chimney will stand strong for millennia without the aid of cement. But remove the cement from the river rock chimney and you’d have a pile of bowling ball shaped stones spread out across your yard.

Originally posted 2015-08-17 16:33:46.

Field stone? or river rock?2019-06-29T10:20:11+00:00
29 06, 2019

An arch… or a lintel?



When it comes time to build the stone fireplace in a cabin there is one major decision to be made… would you like an arch? or a single lintel stone?


Originally posted 2015-08-09 13:36:43.

An arch… or a lintel?2019-06-29T10:19:59+00:00
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