Iphone October 2011 888

How would you like to work with me? To give me a hand? To become an apprentice? Or, to join my crew?
I get multiple requests or offers every week to do just that. Sometimes, I get several per day. I’m humbled, flattered, and a bit overwhelmed by it all.
Over the years I’ve had several hundred young people work beside me… as well as a few who were young at heart, if not quite so with regard to the calendar.
My response to the current requests is…
Thank you for your interest and your offer!…
I’m currently taking a sabbatical from hands-on building… a time-out of sorts, after doing it nonstop for quite a few years. A time to share with a broader audience what I’ve learned through several decades of building unique homes, houses where owner involvement has been of key importance. I’ll be putting the tool-belt back on in the near future with plans to build my next home which I hope to share the process with everyone. Maybe… the timing of that project will be right for you to lend a hand? I urge you to sign up on my email list here on this site if you want to keep better posted on my dreams, plans, and ideas. And please, consider taking the Handmade House Academy when it becomes available in a couple of weeks… those who take the class will be given first options at future offerings. Notification of the release of the Academy will be sent out to those on the email list! Noah

Originally posted 2016-04-30 16:08:54.