And here’s the third local entrance wall…
These folks hired an architectural firm to precisely design their entrance wall.
Clearly all this architect had was a straight edge. A very crisp structure. Institutional. It doesn’t really blend into the environment does it? I wonder did he ever visit the property?
So plans were drawn, with exacting details given. The mason who was hired performed his work with great precision according to the plans that he was supplied with, so that he would get further work from this firm in the future.
The mason was never allowed to express his own artistic abilities and I would imagine after years of working under such conformity that any artistic stirrings within this man would be squelched.
This stone wall was also by far the most expensive of the three that I have shared today, with the architect profiting more from the adventure than the mason who built it.
All three of these walls will be around for centuries if left undisturbed. Over that long of a span of time any cost differences between them is insignificant. So to me, it all comes down to our legacy, what are we leaving for others to view countless times in the years to come?
Originally posted 2015-03-30 15:32:56.