How to build a log home… part 8
Noah Bradley2019-06-29T10:15:21+00:00The logs were now all in place.
There is nothing like having a roof over your head when you work in the construction field… if it starts to rain, you have a place to go… other than home. Rain no longer determines if you have a job to go to that day.
Our goal was now to get the cabin closed in and achieve the next level of human comfort, temperature control.
We had the windows installed, the siding was nailed to the gable ends, and a lot of the chinking was in place. But, we had the bathroom addition to build off the back, the two chimneys to raise from the ground, and, all those porches to get into place.
With winter coming on, we were motivated.
This site was located on the north side of hill. When Winter arrived she did so with a vengeance. It was a brutal winter, the snow fell in December and didn’t melt until March.
We wanted to come inside… but first we had to finish the outside.
Originally posted 2015-05-09 13:13:08.