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29 06, 2019

Bedrooms of a vintage timber-frame home



Western View’s antique timber-frame provided four rooms for this new home (not counting the hallways), there are the two downstairs rooms (the family room and home office) of which I have already posted photos.

And then, there are the two bedrooms upstairs. Each are mirrored images of the other… offering a fireplace, antique heart pine floors, vintage trim-work, and painted paneled walls.


Notice the tray ceilings which is a trick I often use on the second floor rooms of old houses, which often come with very low ceilings.


Originally posted 2015-02-24 16:55:43.

Bedrooms of a vintage timber-frame home2019-06-29T10:31:04+00:00
29 06, 2019

Is it worth the effort?



Western View… so, the question comes up… was it all worth the effort? from the searching for an old house, to the struggle of saving it from being destroyed… the hard work involved, the dirt, and the dangers that come from salvaging a historic structure, and then, putting it back together… not to mention the added expense from the extra labor and materials needed to build something that is not a cookie cutter home… and don’t forget there are the grumblings from the tradesmen who have to work in situations out of the norm… and the government officials from whom we need their approval to build our homes. At times it can be overwhelming. So, is it worth it?

Yes, yes it is. 🙂



Originally posted 2015-02-24 16:33:24.

Is it worth the effort?2019-06-29T10:31:03+00:00
29 06, 2019

Building a timber frame in three steps



Here is Western View… from frame to finish in just three photos…

The first photo shows the nearly finished reassembly of the vintage timber frame that we salvaged from a neighboring county.

Once we had it all together we gave her a good bath using soap and water from a power washer.

Our next step in finishing a typical timber frame home would normally be the application of “stress skin panels” on the exterior, which are basically huge panels that are spiked into place. They create insulation and an interior wall surface of drywall that is found in most homes today.


We didn’t do that here. The homeowner wanted painted wood paneled walls instead of drywall, which is a more attractive, more durable finish to have on the interior.

So, after erecting the frame of the house, we applied paneling to the outside of the timber frame and then… we built a stick-built house outside of that, and then insulated it.

This home, is a house, that is within a house.

Talk about strength… this is THE place to be when disaster looms.

The final photo shows the finished details.


Originally posted 2015-02-24 16:00:15.

Building a timber frame in three steps2019-06-29T10:31:02+00:00
29 06, 2019




Have you ever heard the tale of the prodigal smoke house?

After my clients first rejected the offer to use the old Western View house for their new home, I had someone come through my door that really wanted a vintage outbuilding. I sold him the smokehouse that stood behind Western View and delivered it to him the following week, ready to be assembled.

Months later I went on to rebuild Western View, after protracted debate on whether it was the right structure for them. As we were finishing the house up the following year, my clients asked if I knew of any old outbuildings available, that they wanted one to use for garden tools. That very week the fellow that had bought Western View’s smokehouse called me up and informed me that he had never put the building up, that his plans had changed, and, that if I ever wanted to buy it back to let him know.

So, the two buildings were reunited.

And, they lived happily ever after.

Originally posted 2015-02-23 16:17:29.

29 06, 2019

Stone… for the centuries ahead



Everyone loves a good mystery. At least I do.

And, everyone that works on old houses is always looking for that hidden treasure that no one has ever found before.

I had the thrill of finding both, in one item, while taking down the old house known as “Western View”. That memento was hard for me to give away, but I did. And, it took me fifteen years to solve the mystery behind it, but I believe the answer was finally revealed.

Up near the top of one of the chimneys I found a stone with my initials carved into it… NB. The “N” was inverted (that part of the mystery I still haven’t solved).

It’s not uncommon for masons to carve the date on a stone in the chimney, and perhaps their initials, but when they do so it’s always at the base of the chimney where all can see it.

This stone was near the top and on the side of the chimney that faced the roof. A mason rarely gets up on a roof, he works from a scaffold and the roof side is the back of the chimney to him, he just reaches over to that side. Every indication was that this stone was carved by someone sitting on the roof after the chimney was built… how odd was that?

Now, I clearly owned this stone, it was mine. I bought the salvage rights to the house. I found the stone. It had my initials in it… how many times will this happen in my life? It was a keeper for sure.

But when it came time to build my client’s fireplace I felt that the stone belonged there in plain site, to honor that mysterious engraver from so long ago. I just wished I knew why someone would sit on a peak of a roof to carve their initials in a rock.

Fifteen years later I received a call from a potential client who owned the farm across the road from where Western View once stood. He had on his property an old stone kitchen that had once belonged to Dolly Madison’s grandmother. He wanted me to restore it and add on to it a vintage log cabin (which I did, but that’s a story for another day).

When I went to look at this stone kitchen I was pleased to see that it was built out of the same kind of stone that Western View’s chimney’s was built out of. This new client pointed out all the names and initials that were carved into the stones, put there by Civil War soldiers while based there on the property, some of the names had inverted letters. Ah Ha!

I did a little research and found out that it was common practice to assign someone during that war to take a lookout position on rooftops. I then had this vision of some young man stuck up on a Western View’s roof, sitting next to a chimney, with nothing to do but carve his initials in one of the stones.

Likely the only thing that young man ever did that still survives to this day is that one carving. Now that is something to think about.

Originally posted 2015-02-23 15:23:32.

Stone… for the centuries ahead2019-06-29T10:31:00+00:00
29 06, 2019

An ugly house on it’s way to regaining it’s lost glory



There is no doubt about it… the old house known as “Western View” was… one… ugly… house.

She was sitting in the middle of corn field and had been abandoned and neglected for decades. Her doors, floors, and mantle pieces had long ago been stolen. The last tenant had left all their trash and unwanted furniture in the house and scattered around the yard. And, someone had had the great idea of wrapping the entire house in green roll roofing… a nice finishing touch.

When I had first met with my new clients, after I had given them a tour of some of my previous completed projects, they decided that they wanted their home to have an exposed vintage timber frame as the heart of their new home.

And as fate would have it, I had Western View to show them. (it’s an interesting thing that matching materials and clients have always appeared in my life at the same time).

After viewing the mess that was Western View, my new clients quickly rejected the home, and on top of that, I believe they pondered whether I was the right person to build their home. The house was that bad.

So, I went ahead and took the home down and stored it inside of a tractor trailer… for some future unknown client. The house was ugly to everyone in the world, but me. I was always impressed with the home.

Western View had an early 1800’s oak timber frame at it’s core… oak frames are very rare in Virginia. And it was the only frame that I have ever seen in which the different parts were numbered in Aramaic numerals, not Roman numerals as every other frame has been. The stone chimneys and foundation were also very nice with an abundance of good stones. This house had great potential.., “potential” being the most dangerous word a person can use when building a home… it can get you into a lot of trouble.

So, a month or two passed by, and no other timber frames were found. I brought back up the possibility of Western View to my clients and how wonderful it was… and the clients asked… “Are you SURE???”… “Yes, I’m SURE…” (no pressure there)

And the rest, is history.

Originally posted 2015-02-23 14:19:52.

An ugly house on it’s way to regaining it’s lost glory2019-06-29T10:30:59+00:00
29 06, 2019

Western View



I’d like to share with you all today a couple of “before and after” photographs of one of my favorite design/build projects. (I trust you can tell which is the “before” and which is the “after”) lol

This house is “Western View”, which acquired her name from the green derelict house pictured. This severely neglected historic house was salvaged by us and used to create the main part of this new home. All told, materials were brought in from nearly a dozen vintage structures in order to create a home “like no other”.

My client has been asked many times over past few years whether they had acquired any spirits or ghosts from all those old houses, his response was always the same… “Not that I am aware of, but I can say that if we have gotten any, that they all get along with each other very well.” lol… I love it… what a great reply!

Over the next week or so I hope to share with you the story behind the design and construction of this home. I guarantee you that you will find it entertaining and educational. I have plenty of good construction photos as well as finished interior photos to share.

This house was also published in a couple magazines and books, and I will either post those articles in full here, or provide links.

Originally posted 2015-02-22 22:32:16.

Western View2019-06-29T10:30:58+00:00
29 06, 2019

Corn crib roof… one that you can touch



Three parting photos of the corn crib project. None are glamorous finish photos, but each has something I’d like to point out.

The first shows the exterior of the crib as she was finished, the old barn board siding blended in together over the next few years and looks amazing today. The owner decided she wanted to cap the exterior railing with red anodized aluminum, for flare. hmmm. That’s all I have to say about that.

The second photo shows the roofing crew that was sent out to install the cedar shingles. Ten men for such a small roof. They finished the roof that day. Amazing.

And finally, I show you a side of the house where you can touch the roof. If you want to know one of my secrets in building a house that satisfies the soul, this is one of them… never, ever, install an asphalt shingle roof, go with quality… metal, shingle, or slate… and design your home so that you can really be impacted by it’s roof visually, and if you can, so that you can actually reach up and touch it.

Originally posted 2015-02-22 16:06:00.

Corn crib roof… one that you can touch2019-06-29T10:30:57+00:00
29 06, 2019

Corn crib kitchen



A corn crib kitchen. I doubt if there is another one out there like it. I wish my photos could do it justice.

Originally posted 2015-02-21 15:25:44.

Corn crib kitchen2019-06-29T10:30:56+00:00
29 06, 2019

Be Bold



It takes a bold leap of faith to move forward on something as ugly as an old, falling down, corn crib… that it can be turned into something spectacular. A diamond in the rough. A true Cinderella story.

I not only admire the craftsmen who I have worked with over the years, but also the homeowners who have said… “let’s do it!”

Originally posted 2015-02-21 14:55:38.

Be Bold2019-06-29T10:30:55+00:00
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