About Noah Bradley

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29 06, 2019

Moriah… part 6



Moriah… part 6

Here’s a “before and after” photo of the log cabin fireplace. I felt that a more formal fireplace mantle would be more attractive than the crude stone work that was originally found here. I also changed the flooring from the original brick that was used and instead installed hemlock flooring from another room.


Since the large fireplace opening was already made I realized the chance of me finding a perfect size antique mantle would be nearly impossible so I designed and built this one from scratch using antique heart pine.

What do you think?

Originally posted 2015-04-02 22:24:42.

Moriah… part 62019-06-29T10:33:31+00:00
29 06, 2019

Moriah… part 5


end of 2009 050

We changed the home’s name, from Mariah (named for it’s previous windy site) to Moriah (named for it’s new site… where she now appeared to be sitting on a mount, when viewed from the river out back)

end of 2009 047

We figured it was an appropriate change… the house was very similar to the original, yet different… just as the name was now.

end of 2009 146

Here are a few photo’s of the exterior just as the re-built house had gotten it’s new coat of paint, and yet before the landscaping, outbuildings, and the interior were finished.

Originally posted 2015-04-02 22:09:42.

Moriah… part 52019-06-29T10:33:30+00:00
29 06, 2019

Moriah… part 4



So, I took Mariah down and put her into storage for a year while I looked for a place to put her back up. I found a great spot, about 10 miles from her original location, with frontage on the north fork of the Rivanna River and a view of the waterfall as it comes over the local mill’s dam.

Here’s a photo of her “back-side” as she was being re-erected.

It was about this time that someone left a note on the construction gate telling me that I was putting up the biggest eyesore that they had ever seen. That was a bit discouraging to me at the time. (I wonder what they thought of the finished home…)

Before and after photos of the home starting tomorrow… please, stay tuned!

Originally posted 2015-04-02 18:04:07.

Moriah… part 42019-06-29T10:33:29+00:00
29 06, 2019

Moriah… part 3



I found Mariah’s exterior profiles to be beautiful… and I felt that this design would likely always be viewed that way… timeless. To throw this house in a hole and burn it would have been a crime.

Inside she was a treasure trove of materials… an early 1800’s hewn oak cabin, wide plank heart pine floors, huge ceiling beams salvaged from a Shenandoah cotton mill, beaded hemlock paneling, and custom made doors, windows, and other hand crafted mill-work.

But the interior layout and design was just awful and severely outdated. Picture if you will, a 1970’s version of a rustic National Park rental cabin, complete with sunken rooms and wood paneled bathrooms.

This was going to be a major challenge.

But luckily, I like challenges. 🙂

Originally posted 2015-04-02 17:42:30.

Moriah… part 32019-06-29T10:33:28+00:00
29 06, 2019

Moriah… part 2



Mariah was a legend among area builders and others that lived in Albemarle County.

She was the first of her kind, built with no expense spared, and on a windy panoramic hilltop. That wind, is how she got her name… from one of those musical Westerns about the wind being called Mariah.

Back in 1976 when she was built, there were no McMansions. There were mansions, and there were the homes the rest of us lived in.

And then Mariah was built… rich, but not ostentatious. Warm and inviting.

The 70’s was a unique time in the field of construction, young people flooded the construction trade wanting to create something with their own hands. And, for the first time salvaged materials, historic designs, and traditional methods of building were once again valued.

Mariah was a starting place for a many young artisans who would go on to gain local, and even world-wide, acclaim for their skills as the years passed by.

Originally posted 2015-04-02 17:12:38.

Moriah… part 22019-06-29T10:33:27+00:00
29 06, 2019

Moriah… part 1




This photo was taken the day that I learned that she was scheduled for demolition.

I had received a phone call asking me if I was interested in salvaging any materials out of “a house in Western Albemarle County”. When I learned that the house was Mariah I sat up an appointment to see her right away.

Rather than choosing to salvage her for various materials, I undertook the responsibility of removing the entire house, piece by piece, from her current site and then rebuilding her elsewhere, better than she had ever been.

Let me tell you about that project… The whole story would take weeks… but, I promise to condense it down…

Originally posted 2015-04-02 16:42:24.

Moriah… part 12019-06-29T10:33:26+00:00
29 06, 2019

Log Home of the Year



I have received hundreds of phone calls over the years asking me to come repair a “log cabin kit home”. And, I have witnessed some real disasters with these structures just a year or two after they were built.

I have turned them all down.

But, I am embarrassed to admit, that I once built a log cabin kit home, just once. I so regret it. I would never do it again.

That cabin was made by a well-known firm in that genre that “handmade their cabins one at a time”.

By the time I was halfway through the project I regretted ever having played a part in putting something up like this structure. It is today an eyesore on the landscape. Of all things… it won “Log Cabin of the Year” by Log Cabin Living magazine.

And no, I will share a photo of it. I’m not even certain I saved an image of it. To this day I still turn my head when I drive down that road. It’s a good thing that private individuals in this country are not allowed to own grenade launchers. If so, that cabin would be gone.

Isn’t that interesting? That the one log cabin that I most regret building was chosen as the greatest by the trade’s leading publication?

So, why did I do it? Why did I accept the offer to build this home? I did it because I saw that it was inevitable, these clients were going to build this home regardless of whether I took it on, or if it went to someone else. I thought that throughout the building process that perhaps I could steer the project towards something more vernacular… I was wrong.

After that project I would do my best to supply folks with alternatives. I found that I could easily compete with the price of a kit…. which sort of shocked me… That I could create a cabin using their “odd plans” (one had five corners) and old barn logs that I would acquire, and then create something much more attractive and durable.

I only did this three times, but I felt like I had done penance for my sin.




Originally posted 2015-04-01 16:27:01.

Log Home of the Year2019-06-29T10:33:25+00:00
29 06, 2019

Brick nogging



I salvaged an old house down near the North Carolina border many years ago. The home was built in the late 1700’s and she had brick nogging in the walls between the timbers.


Nogging was often installed in this part of the country where clay was bountiful to make bricks in the sun. The bricks were of course all soft and would crumble easily, yes, because of their age, but mainly because they had not been kiln fired.


The nogging served as a crude form of insulation, but mainly as a weather sealer and heat mass. Certainly it beat having nothing at all in the walls. I can say that the look is stunning… jaw dropping… to this old boy.


But the centuries of contact between earth and wood had rotted every piece within this home.

One of my crewmembers stepped forward and adopted this house as an outbuilding on his property.

Originally posted 2015-04-01 15:15:15.

Brick nogging2019-06-29T10:33:24+00:00
29 06, 2019

A pine cabin… part 2



I received the call that I had hoped that I would never get. The owner of this roadside cabin had decided that this piece of local history had to go. He had his reasons, and all of them, were very logical.

There was no chance that I would ever get him to change his mind.

I was placed in a situation of either salvaging this cabin, as best as I could, or living with the fact that it would be destroyed if I did nothing about it.


If this cabin had been anywhere else in the world other than in my neighborhood, considering the poor condition that she was in, I would have let her go.

I have witnessed so many old places vanish over the years. It’s been heart wrenching, but after all, I am just one person, with a limited budget.

I know what I would do if I won the lottery… I’d have a house museum… but, I guess I need to play the lottery if I ever stand any chance of winning. Go figure.

In a way I understand what veterinarians must feel like when they have to put a family pet down. You just can’t save them all.


S we gently pulled off the siding to expose the logs on this cabin. In her day, and as seen from a distance on that day, she was a real beauty. Why, she had more charm and presence than anything being built in my area this year. For sure.

But, an up close inspection revealed my most feared suspicions. She was in too poor of a condition to reuse for anyone’s new home. She was an insect-infested, severely-decayed, pine log cabin.

Now if her builder of so many years ago had only used a different species of wood… oak, or chestnut, or poplar, the story would have ended differently.

But he didn’t.


I knew that if I took this cabin and stacked it somewhere while trying to figure out some unimaginable creative option that likely she would become a pile of mulch in just a matter of months. Time, for this cabin, was a luxury that it no longer had.

So, I took her to my place and put her up as an outbuilding, an outbuilding that I had no need for, but at least there she has lived on, and every day I was still able to pass by her on my way to work, and for that I was thankful.

Originally posted 2015-03-31 20:21:48.

A pine cabin… part 22019-06-29T10:33:22+00:00
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