A double pen log barn… part 16
We are well on our way (as seen here in this photo) to having the roof sheathed.
“Sheathed” is such a nice word don’t you think? Let those who work in cubicles have their fancy words… builders get to sheath!
If you build houses or barns, every so often you get to spend your day… sheathing.
Up on top of the roof, nailing down one board at time. Life is good. The view of the world around you is great, and the workmanship of all that you have been working on during the past few weeks lies beneath you.
When you arrive home that evening the conversation goes something like this…
“Hi honey, what did you do at work today?”
“Well, I sheathed today… it was a good day.”
“That’s nice, dear”
This barn originally had rough sawn lumber for sheathing. There was no Costco back then where one could load up their truck with plywood for sheathing. And even if there had been a building supply warehouse, plywood would not have been an available option.
I find that over the course of many years that wood becomes baked and brittle lying under a metal roof. So, we replaced the original sheathing with new lumber that I purchased from a nearby sawmill that supplies us with locally harvested lumber. It’s inexpensive to buy, extremely strong, and a pleasure to work with. No plywood sheathing goes on this barn, no sirree.
After it’s all applied we will trim the ends so that they all the same length, in one long pass with the saw.
Notice also in this photo that down at the far end of the barn that we are starting to build one of the barn’s extensions.
Originally posted 2015-03-18 15:40:20.