What do you do with your spare time?


I would think that a man could build one of these, working on weekends, in five years, maybe more.
And it would stand for centuries.
He wouldn’t need a gym membership.
His wife wouldn’t worry about him getting into mischief.
And when finished he could keep an eye out for invading armies.
It doesn’t get any better than that!
Or… he could put the same effort into building a dream home in the country. Now that’s an idea!

Originally posted 2015-11-04 16:31:22.

What do you do with your spare time?2019-06-29T10:23:53+00:00

It’s all about the corners


Here we have a log outbuilding… most likely a place for curing meat.
Like all log structures the secret to it’s strength is in the corners. All of the bearing weight of a cabin is carried to the corners and then down to the stones located on the four corners. No other foundation work is needed other than to keep the wind and animals out from under the house (which admittedly are very nice features)
The logs themselves, other than the very ends, contribute nothing more to a house than filling in the space in between the corners (and looking good of course… which is also a nice feature). 🙂

Originally posted 2015-11-04 14:21:05.

It’s all about the corners2019-06-29T10:23:52+00:00

Quality features made affordable


One of the advantages in building small is that quality becomes affordable. Take for example this little cottage with it’s cedar shingle roof, wood siding, masonry chimney, and precious windows.

Originally posted 2015-11-04 13:59:54.

Quality features made affordable2019-06-29T10:23:51+00:00

Wood… an amazing material


I do marvel at how everything that a family needs to build a farm is provided by a group of trees… even the fencing seen here is all wood.

Originally posted 2015-11-04 13:39:05.

Wood… an amazing material2019-06-29T10:23:50+00:00

A “dressed up” log cabin


A coat of whitewash and some red trim really “dressed” this cabin up didn’t it?

Originally posted 2015-11-02 21:51:08.

A “dressed up” log cabin2019-06-29T10:23:49+00:00

Think outside of the box


Why not consider doing something others would consider crazy?… be frivolous!
Be assured that practically anything that you can build out of stone will be beautiful when done.

Originally posted 2015-11-01 16:02:51.

Think outside of the box2019-06-29T10:23:47+00:00

Logs and stone


This is what people build when they have a wooded parcel of land, stones free for the gathering, and limited selection of hand tools.

Originally posted 2015-11-01 15:51:48.

Logs and stone2019-06-29T10:23:46+00:00

Early American pickup truck


Nope, that’s not a Toyota, nor a Nissan truck.
That’s an early American made means of hauling!

Originally posted 2015-11-01 15:40:44.

Early American pickup truck2019-06-29T10:23:45+00:00

Toxin free living


An organic home… no additives, preservatives, or carcinogens.

Unfortunately, you can’t say this about most new log cabin kit homes.

Originally posted 2015-11-01 14:16:04.

Toxin free living2019-06-29T10:23:44+00:00
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