The Ruth house… part 10


We had salvaged another old house that was originally built in the very late 1800’s or perhaps early 1900’s for replacement materials to use on this new home.

The framing on that house had no value, but the flooring, and doors were perfect for this new home. You can see the front door unit from that older home, laying here on it’s side, awaiting installation on this new home.

Originally posted 2015-05-29 13:20:38.

The Ruth house… part 102019-06-29T10:16:38+00:00

The Ruth house… part 9


The old timber frame began to rise again!

We will soon lay brick for the chimney and to add a finishing touch to the poured concrete basement.

Brick is a great material, one that I don’t use very often. When I do I either choose recycled brick from old homes, or, as on this home, new hand-thrown brick. And, I like to go with a Flemish Bond pattern when laying.

Notice those wide corner posts… once again we experience the Virginia “hogtrough” post… and those corner braces which go to the floor, not the ceiling.

Once the frame is complete we will cover it in stress skin panels… but for now, if you look inside, we are applying painted wood paneling to create the entrance hallway. (I’ll pop up a photo of that finished space later this morning)

Originally posted 2015-05-29 13:11:03.

The Ruth house… part 92019-06-29T10:16:37+00:00

The Ruth house… part 8


This house was under a great deal of stress from all the years of sagging and settling that she had experienced. As we removed the siding we would occasionally step back as sounds of snapping, popping, and groaning came from her.

Without a doubt she was the most vocal old home that I had ever experienced.

It was not until after we had finished building the clients home, nearly a year later, that I ever showed these photos to the them. I was afraid that they would think me mad to have used such a structure to build them a new home.

Originally posted 2015-05-28 14:27:28.

The Ruth house… part 82019-06-29T10:16:36+00:00

The Ruth house… part 7


Every timber, every single piece of flooring, that you see in this photo, was created by men more than two hundred years ago, using nothing but hand tools to convert trees into what you see here. They harvested wood from forests that had never seen an axe, nor a saw, and from those primal woods these men chose the best of those trees to create this house.

Even the nails holding the flooring in place were handmade, by a blacksmith, one at a time.

All this wonderful material and craftsmanship… so abused and unappreciated… was about to live again, in all it’s deserved splendor.

Originally posted 2015-05-28 14:04:42.

The Ruth house… part 72019-06-29T10:16:35+00:00

The Ruth house… part 6


But where many would see nothing but mess, I witnessed wonder when I walked into the remains of this house. I did my best to keep my excitement to myself, but I had found the timber frame that I wanted… one of the finest that I had ever seen.

Originally posted 2015-05-28 13:48:26.

The Ruth house… part 62019-06-29T10:16:34+00:00

The Ruth house… part 5


It was not love at first sight.

My mission was to find a very nice antique house frame that I could use to build the addition off of the little log cabin.

Two-hundred year old house-frames are much, much harder to find that old log homes.

I had driven for two hours on a hot summer day, with no a/c in my truck, to find this “gem of a house”.

I debated for a moment or two on whether I should even bother getting out of the truck to look the house over… but, I wanted out of that truck, and there was something about this house that told me that there was.. “potential”.

* (Always remember… “potential” is the most dangerous word that there is in my profession).

The man who owned this house told me that this was half of the original home on this large farm, and that twenty years prior he had pulled the roof off of that large house and then he cut the house in half, and then he pulled the two severed sections to different parts of his farm to be used for hay storage.

He had put a flat metal roof over each section to keep them somewhat dry.

The other half of the house didn’t fair as well as this half, so he eventually dozed and burned it. And that’s what was eventually planned for this half too. Unless, I wanted to make him an offer.

BTW… this photo is not photo-shopped … the house really did sag that much.

Originally posted 2015-05-28 13:38:55.

The Ruth house… part 52019-06-29T10:16:33+00:00

The Ruth house… part 4


Here’s a corner of the enlarged, upgraded, kitchen that adjoins the dining room within this “connector” area that is between the log cabin and the new/old timber framed addition.

We made the cabinets ourselves out of chestnut paneling that we salvaged from an old 1920’s vintage home. The countertop and farm sink is made of green slate.

Not too shabby huh? 🙂

Ok… that ought to keep everyone happy for a while that wants to see what this home looks like inside… now let me get back to construction photos and tell the story behind the building of the timber frame section of this home…

Originally posted 2015-05-27 21:37:05.

The Ruth house… part 42019-06-29T10:16:32+00:00

The Ruth house… part 3


Here is the wainscoting that I used in the dining room, it was just laying there in that old dirty straw like a piece of discarded trash.

But, I could see from the backside that this was piece of fine woodwork, crafted from the best of materials, starting with an axe, then with adzes, and then on to hand planes, nearly two hundred years ago, by someone much more talented than I.

I didn’t need to roll it over to be impressed… I knew I was looking at a treasure. I was practically shaking with anticipation.

Originally posted 2015-05-27 21:16:32.

The Ruth house… part 32019-06-29T10:16:31+00:00

The Ruth house… part 2


Here’s the finished dining room which is positioned in the connector area between the little log cabin (which is to the right in this image) and the new timber frame section (which you can barely peer into on the left).

Notice the bow window in the background… and the antique heart-pine wainscoting underneath it?… I’ll post a photo of it as it was salvaged next. You’ll get a kick out of the “before” photo.

Originally posted 2015-05-27 20:52:50.

The Ruth house… part 22019-06-29T10:16:30+00:00

The Ruth House… part 1


The owners of this cabin had seen some of my timber framed homes that I built after putting their cabin up (you know, the ones I’ve shared here on FB where I had used the antique structures salvaged from vintage homes) and they decided that that is what they wanted for the addition to their cabin.

I gave great thought to what type of structure would look best connected to this cabin and what would best compliment this parcel of land and what I eventually came up with was to create something that would resemble a colonial era tavern.

Here in this photo you can see the beginning of that antique timber frame in the process of being assembled, but for now, I’d like to point out the “connector” part of the addition that stands between the log cabin and the timber frame.

The connector part of the house is framed out of all new wood and will provide the house with the square footage to…. enlarge the cabin’s kitchenette into a full size kitchen… and created a sweet dining room… and two more bathrooms which will service the two new bedrooms that will be within the timber-framed area.

Originally posted 2015-05-27 20:43:31.

The Ruth House… part 12019-06-29T10:16:29+00:00
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