29 06, 2019

Keep the dream alive!



It’s easy to lose focus when it comes to gaining our dream home.

Life is busy and full of distractions.

Our thoughts turn away from the dream, and then the “how’s” start to move in to destroy all hope.

Our greatest weapon?

Just start, gain momentum, take small steps, like laying stone, one at a time. Setting stone is easy enough that anyone can do it. And, with a little bit of progress every week, eventually the home is complete.

Originally posted 2016-06-13 16:11:10.

Keep the dream alive!2019-06-29T10:29:03+00:00
29 06, 2019

99% of builders get this wrong



Today I’d like to share with you a very important design issue with regard to the construction of chimneys and fireplaces.

99% of home builders and masons get this wrong… and the shameful part is that it does not increase the cost, nor does it take any more effort, to get it right.

It’s all about “fresh air vents”. You see, a few years back, the government in it’s infinite wisdom decided to make it mandatory that all fireplaces be supplied with a fresh air vent to the outside… in other words… a hole poked through a fireplace and out the chimney.

We don’t need to get into the merits of “should there be one or not?”.  It’s not like we have a choice.  It’s the law.

There are pros to having these vents… Some say new homes are so airtight that fresh air is needed to keep a fire going and not smoke up a house, and others say it’s better to draw in outside air and throw it up the chimney than it is to pull heated air out of the house. Both are valid points.

The negative aspects of fresh air vents are many… most people fail to either open the little door to the vent when burning a fire (and thus they are useless) or they fail to close them when a fire is not burning which allows in cold air and all kinds of creatures who decide to crawl through the vent piping. Plus, I have witnessed strong winds blow smoke and ashes out of fireplace into the room (not good at all).

But, my biggest peeve (besides the government once again feeling it has the right to force me to build a home the way they want it to be) is that for some odd reason 99% of builders and masons feel the need to install these vents front and center… as if this piece of hardware is a decorative element. 

It’s not!  It’s an eyesore. It’s a visual distraction. It’s a pimple on a gorgeous face… why put it on the tip of the nose?

If you go to the trouble of building a beautiful chimney why mess it up with a modern vent sticking out of the face of it? You might as well hang a few hubcaps on it while you’re at it. lol  And when you come inside, and you see the gorgeous fireplace that you’ve put so much effort into building… why have a vent cover staring back at you?

You will never find an old chimney with a fresh air vent… at least I’ve never seen one.  And, you will never see a fresh air vent sticking out the face of one my new chimneys.  Remember, it’s all about the details. So you may ask… “How do I get away with having an unspoiled fireplace and chimney, and yet keep Big Brother happy as well?”

It’s SO simple… so simple in fact that I am stumped why no one else does it. Well yes, I do know… it’s because so few bother to consider all the options when building a house, failing to always strive to build a home as attractive as it can be. The simple solution to not spoiling fine masonry?… install the vent on the side of the chimney… on the side of the fireplace… where it is hardly noticed or seen!

Often I’ll even go one step further… on the exterior of the chimney, I’ll install the vent recessed and then shape a stone that can be put into place to cover it over during those times the chimney is not being used (as I did on the one seen in the photo at the top of this posting).

There you have it folks… if you want it done right, you either need to do it yourself, or be prepared to tell others how you like it.


Originally posted 2016-05-21 17:25:20.

99% of builders get this wrong2019-06-29T10:29:00+00:00
29 06, 2019

Simple living and life priorities



Most new homes today are so comfortable… are so distracting… that we miss out on what is truly important.

In some ways a modest cottage can hold more blessings for us than a McMansion could ever hope to provide.

Originally posted 2016-05-12 17:04:52.

Simple living and life priorities2019-06-29T10:28:55+00:00
29 06, 2019

My recipe for a good chimney or fireplace



My recipe for a great fireplace and chimney…
I’ve never worked from any special drawings when building a chimney or fireplace.
The inner workings (smoke shelves, flue liners, air intake, etc) on my projects are basically the same as those found in most modern masonry units.

The uniqueness of my chimneys and fireplaces that I build is all about the careful selection, shaping, and arrangement of the stone that composes the finished product… which I tend to model from other structures that I have admired over the years, mostly vintage.
With the vast sources of the internet I’m sure you can find some technical drawings, and then just come up with some photos of the fireplace that you most admire and copy it to perfection.


Originally posted 2016-05-03 14:12:39.

My recipe for a good chimney or fireplace2019-06-29T10:28:45+00:00
29 06, 2019

One step at a time



One step at a time.
That’s how a house is built.
The stone mason doesn’t focus on all the details and steps required to build a chimney.
It’s all about the next stone.
And after that’s in place.
The next one.

Originally posted 2016-04-30 14:33:29.

One step at a time2019-06-29T10:28:40+00:00
29 06, 2019

The combination of stone and log



I do love the combination of log and stone.
On this cabin we used limestone that we gathered from the Shenandoah Valley here in Virginia.
I thought the copper roof and bow window of the stone section added a lot to the overall appeal of this home.

Originally posted 2016-04-28 12:54:01.

The combination of stone and log2019-06-29T10:28:38+00:00
29 06, 2019

This is where you want to be



The first log is sitting on the stone foundation.
How much did it cost to get to this point?
Not much.
Will it cost a good bit more to finish?
You bet.
But the point is that if you can get yourself to this stage of construction, you will find a way to finish your cabin.
Many of suffer from “Analysis Paralysis” …  we over think things.
We feel we must know all the answers, and have all of our ducks in a row.
Have you ever seen a mother duck with all her ducklings?
She doesn’t wait for all of them to get in line before beginning.
She just boldly steps forward and then the orderly procession begins.
And that, is the way it works when building a home.
Every single time.
(BTW… this cabin’s construction is covered in detail in the upcoming Handmade House Academy. If you are signed up here at this site look for more information to be emailed out soon on it’ s first release!)

Originally posted 2016-04-21 17:15:33.

This is where you want to be2019-06-29T10:28:31+00:00
29 06, 2019

Wood and stone



The best two building materials… provided to us in abundance.

Unmatched in beauty, and durability.

Why choose anything else?

Originally posted 2016-04-13 08:04:22.

Wood and stone2019-06-29T10:28:27+00:00
29 06, 2019

How to build an attractive fireplace



I received a great question today and I thought I might share my answer in a post…

“How can I build an attractive, safe, fireplace?”

Building a safe fireplace is easy.
The building codes and inspectors won’t let you do anything but build a safe one.
There are quite a few resources out there… from books to YouTube videos.. that have diagrams and step-by-step demonstrations to help you on your way.
There are many trade schools out there as well as good masons who will guide you along (and for a few dollars) help you out.
But, the key word to your question was “attractive”.
Aesthetics is not covered in the code books, nor the free videos, nor is it something they teach at school.
I’ll have to put together a teaching video on “Attractive Fireplaces” later this year. (yet another thing on my list!)
But for now, let me give you a good start…a few pointers… perhaps, all you need…
For decades now people have been telling me that my work is amazing, more attractive than anyone elses.
The secret behind my work (it’s not much of secret as I tend to tell everyone) is that I seek out the most attractive finished homes that I can, which are quite often historic homes, and then I pay very close attention to the details, trying to figure out how it was done, and why it appeals to me so.
And then, I copy it.
Not, building it “sort of like it”… but “exactly like it”.
After I’ve done a few “exactly like its” then I start to add my own creativity to the mix.
My advice is that you should look at fireplaces until you find one that amazes you, then replicate it.
I can also say that it sometimes takes a developed eye before a person can really pick out the truly great specimens.
For example art enthusiasts can appreciate a painting much more than I can because they look at these creations as a life calling, every day, all day long. If I want a great painting, I value their input.
My tastes have refined over the years after having looked at thousands of fireplaces.
I think my fireplaces are the best… and as time has gone by I often begin to think there is a fixed guideline in attractiveness… but then I come across a striking exception to the rule which blows my rigidity to pieces.
You are more than welcome to use my fireplaces as a guide in building your own if you wish.
Here’s a few tips that I can offer…
When building the firebox (I often have a professional mason build the inner workings of my chimneys) make sure and lay all the firebrick flat and not on edge, any fresh air vents should be to the side and not on the back, and, the back of the fireplace should have a rounded slope, tapering to the front as it goes up.
When laying the stone fireplace front, pay close attention to the pattern, dimensions, and proportions. Choose attractive stone, all at least six inches thick… the fireplace is the focal point of a house… it is where the artistry and skill of a home is demonstrated. Seek perfection and the touch of an artists hand.
And finally, never, ever span a stone fireplace opening in such a way that it relies on metal to hold it up… either use a single lintel stone, or a functioning arch.

Originally posted 2016-04-03 14:50:24.

How to build an attractive fireplace2019-06-29T10:28:23+00:00
29 06, 2019

Arches and Lintel Stones



Here we have two opposing fireplaces that I built in a Virginia farmhouse. We thought we’d add some variety and visual interest to these two adjoining first-floor rooms by building one fireplace with an arched fireplace and the other with a large supporting lintel stone to span the width of the fireplace opening.

Both are historically accurate and have been used for thousands of years.

The arch takes longer to build. The massive four-foot long lintel stone was not easy to find.  So costs work out to be about the same to build. If you could pick just one for your home… which would you choose?


Originally posted 2016-04-02 13:23:09.

Arches and Lintel Stones2019-06-29T10:28:21+00:00
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