Log cabin abuse


Help me!
My trim has been painted an awful shade of yellow.
And, I’ve been surrounded by vinyl covered cubes!

Originally posted 2015-10-19 13:16:58.

Log cabin abuse2019-06-29T10:23:03+00:00

Dry laid stone fence


Can you think of a better fence than one made of stone?

Originally posted 2015-10-18 22:03:36.

Dry laid stone fence2019-06-29T10:23:02+00:00

Grandma’s house


A gorgeous old country farmstead.

Originally posted 2015-10-18 21:57:32.

Grandma’s house2019-06-29T10:23:01+00:00

A desert cabin

1-3-12 LOW RESOLUTION downloads from Pioneer Living History Museum website.  NO USAGE PERMISSION GRANTED YET!!!!

Yes, it’s true, there are even log cabins in Phoenix, Arizona.
This replica is of an original pioneer cabin.

Originally posted 2015-10-18 21:41:25.

A desert cabin2019-06-29T10:23:00+00:00

Metal siding on a house


Here’s an intriguing cottage.
It appears to be a new home, built using salvaged materials.
I have never used metal roofing materials for siding, but you know, I kinda like the look. And, it would make for a low cost, zero maintenance option to wood siding
I understand that metal panel siding is popular in the state of Texas, but unheard of here in Virginia other than for new outbuildings.
What do you think of this rustic cabin?

Originally posted 2015-10-18 15:50:45.

Metal siding on a house2019-06-29T10:22:59+00:00

Why are house sizes regulated?


The smallest house in Charleston, South Carolina.
As cute as a button.
I’m sure it’s admired and loved by everyone there.
And, I’m equally sure it’s now illegal to build another one as small as this.
Go figure.

Originally posted 2015-10-18 14:57:07.

Why are house sizes regulated?2019-06-29T10:22:58+00:00

A cabin nestled near the woods


We had heavy frost last night here in Virginia.
Fall is REALLY here now.
I do love the Fall colors.
And, flannel shirts.
And, lighting that first fire in the fireplace!

Originally posted 2015-10-18 14:01:31.

A cabin nestled near the woods2019-06-29T10:22:57+00:00

Create your future


A dream home doesn’t need to remain a dream.
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
There are only two options… make plans, or make excuses.
Decide what you want, create a plan, and then… take the next step… and then the next one… and then the next one…

Originally posted 2015-10-17 13:40:34.

Create your future2019-06-29T10:22:56+00:00

Stone monument


This is the first Washington Monument dedicated to the memory of George Washington. It was erected by the citizens of Boonsboro, Maryland in 1827.

“On July 4, 1827 at 7 a.m., most of Boonsboro’s 500 inhabitants assembled at the public square. Behind the Stars and Stripes and stepping spiritedly to the music of a fife and drum corps, they marched two miles up the mountain to the monument site. The citizens worked until noon and then held a dedication ceremony and lunch. They resumed work and by 4 p.m. the monument stood fifteen feet high on a 54-foot circular base. The day ended with the reading of the Declaration of Independence and a three round salute fired by three Revolutionary War veterans. The workers returned that September to finish. Upon its completion, the monument stood 30 feet high.”

It has been rebuilt several times and is currently closed to the public after being struck by lightning this past summer.

Originally posted 2015-10-17 13:14:05.

Stone monument2019-06-29T10:22:55+00:00

A wide chimney = a cooking fireplace


Of course we know why this wonderful stone chimney is SO wide (she must be ten feet wide at the base, rather than the standard six feet)… I imagine that there is one impressive cooking fireplace on the inside of this cabin!

Originally posted 2015-10-17 12:56:38.

A wide chimney = a cooking fireplace2019-06-29T10:22:54+00:00
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