29 06, 2019

Handmade… with chestnut



The stone “undecagon” served as a base that we would re-erect an eleven sided silo upon.

The silo was made out of 2by4 chestnut laid flat, one upon another, and then nailed down. Notice the ring of hundreds of pieces ringing around the site waiting to go up. This baby is going to be tall!

We anchored the first few courses down by bolting them to the stone base. Each course had five large nails driven into each board and before nailing we would apply a layer of construction adhesive and silicon caulk to strengthen and to stop water infiltration. Each board was a slightly different size in length, width, and thickness thus it required a great deal of sorting and measuring throughout the construction to keep things tight, plumb, and level.

So, we built an eleven sided stone base to accommodate an eleven sided silo… but, why did the silo have eleven sides?

Originally posted 2015-01-30 16:02:48.

Handmade… with chestnut2019-06-29T10:29:52+00:00
29 06, 2019

A little cabin in the woods



A little cabin in the woods… and, I mean little… four feet by six feet… but, she is made out of 1700’s vintage timbers and has a copper roof… and, is located on a pretty sweet spot of land!

One of the benefits of working with antique wood, and there are so many, is that there is always left-over material.

An old house was in ruins and it was salvaged, the vintage material was used to build a new home, the left-over material was used to build this little cabin. Then the left-over material from that project was used to build a piece of furniture. And once again, the left over material from that was used to build a toolbox.

Originally posted 2015-01-25 15:56:05.

A little cabin in the woods2019-06-29T10:29:47+00:00
29 06, 2019

The Madison House



I built this home to have a place to raise my children.

It worked wonderfully… including the little play log cabin.

I post this photo as an encouragement to all my readers that you too can build your own home. I strapped on a toolbelt and spent a year of my life building this home. I drafted the design on graph paper. I went seeking the land. I laid the stone with a good bit of help. I drove most of the nails that hold it together. This house was a major leap in a standard of living for me, all done with determination, sweat, support from my wife, and the blessings of God.

Originally posted 2015-01-24 20:47:04.

The Madison House2019-06-29T10:29:46+00:00
29 06, 2019

No middleman involved


brickmoving bike

I’m thankful I don’t have to haul brick this way. When I first saw this photo I thought it must not be real. The more I look at it though, the more impressed I became… it’s amazing.

The bricks look mighty fine, just as nice as any brick I’ve ever used. And, I imagine they were bought as cheaply as they can be had, I bet he got a better deal than I could. The guy with the bike is paying nothing for shipping and handling and he’s getting some good exercise, no need to go to the gym after work. If the bricks don’t belong to him, then he is likely proud to have a job. If they are his, they are his… not the bankers… which means he will not pay any interest on purchasing them. And once they are put in place, he will enjoy them for the rest of his life, and generations to come will too.

Originally posted 2015-01-22 15:36:42.

No middleman involved2019-06-29T10:29:44+00:00
29 06, 2019

Stonewall Jackson’s arm is buried in the yard


myphotosofmainalyellwood 033

For real!

This is “Ellwood”, located in the middle of the area where the Battle of the Wilderness was fought. It served as headquarters at various times for both sides of the war and as a field hospital, which is where Stonewall’s arm became detached and buried. The house was built in the 1700’s and had some pretty distinguished guests over those years… early presidents and figure heads such as Lafayette, but it’s now most remembered for that arm.

We restored the home about five years ago. The outside of the home had been maintained fairly well. Volunteers keep the lawn and grounds well kept and they apply a good coat of paint on the house regularly. The Park Service spent a good amount of money installing the most bizarre maze of steel girders throughout the building’s basement to keep the house from falling in, but the interior was best described as having been the victim of a grenade assault… just a big mess.

All the funding for the interior restoration came from years of donations and we did our part in contributing as well in keeping restoration costs to a minimum. Ellwood is now open to the public… you should go see her… and Stonewall’s arm gravestone, of course.

Originally posted 2015-01-19 14:44:43.

Stonewall Jackson’s arm is buried in the yard2019-06-29T10:29:39+00:00
29 06, 2019

And a tree on top!


It’s a tradition for timber framers to mount a tree branch up on top of a newly built frame.

I’ve heard several versions of how it all began, and that is all well and good, but what I’ve found important is the festive mood that watching a man climb to the top of the frame and nail an evergreen branch up brings to the site. It’s time to celebrate!

Originally posted 2015-01-17 16:07:40.

And a tree on top!2019-06-29T10:29:38+00:00
29 06, 2019

My first home



I thought I would write today the story of the building of my first home.

At the ripe old age of 20 I undertook the hands-on construction of my first house. It’s a great story and it all turned out well, a wonderful place it was.

But, that’s a story for another day.

You see, last night as I was trying to get to sleep I realized that that house was not my first hands-on build, in fact I had built quite a few homes before that.

So, let me lay it out there for the world to hear… my first owner built home was a cardboard box.

There, I said it.

I know what you are thinking, and no, I was not a homeless child. I lived in a fine little brick rancher, provided by loving parents, in Finer Suburbia. We had the good fortune of living two blocks off of Broad Street where strips of businesses and shops were located, one of them being a furniture store.

Out back of Hawkes Furniture, just a quick bicycle ride away from home, was a cage of sorts, built out of chain link fencing where they would toss the large boxes that their newly made chairs and sofas came packaged in.

This cage was built so that any young man could easily climb over into it (after business hours of course). Now it’s not like I was stealing these boxes mind you, I had after all gotten permission to take all the boxes I wanted… it just felt cooler somehow acquiring them under the illusion of a covert operation.

Some time I could get my Dad to haul them home in his car, sometime I dragged and rolled them home myself, and on one occasion I tried dragging one home with my bike… that one didn’t work out very well, but it did earn me some respect in the neighborhood. “Did you see what that Bradley boy did today?”

There were different kinds of boxes to choose from… chair boxes are great, plenty of room for a young bachelor to hang out in, but if you are expecting guests you really need to have a sofa box. I would cut in a door opening making sure to leave one side intact so that it would hinge, and do the same with windows.

I always found boxes lasted longer inside although my mother’s patience with the intrusion into her living space was limited.

It wasn’t long before other kids in the neighborhood starting joining in on the habitat box craze, and so a box shortage loomed. We made the best of limited resources by trying to “one up” each other with features such as crayoned fireplaces and cuckoo clocks on the wall. Maybe even a pitched roof or add-on chimney. My favorite box was when I managed to score a pile of carpet samples that had been tossed out… hey it was the 60’s and wall-to-wall carpet was the thing to have!

Now, looking back over all the years that have since passed, I see those boxes as formative in my life. I enjoyed the challenge, the process, and the finished result. I learned the value of a homeowner playing a role in the construction of their home.

Decades ago it turns out that I was an accidental trend setter, I was building green, I was building small… tiny in fact. And even mobile, although perhaps not best when pulled behind a bike.

So, I encourage you all to get a box and have some fun!


Originally posted 2015-01-15 18:43:00.

My first home2019-06-29T10:29:36+00:00
29 06, 2019

A builders favorite moment


Iphone October 2011 112

I love this phase of building a house…

The bones are beautiful, in this case a 1700’s timber frame.

I’m thrilled to see the months of prep and design work and searching for vintage materials are over, and the now “the vision” is becoming realty.

The crew is happy to have such a great project to work on, and the clients are smiling wide! There is so much progress visible every day and there has been no opportunity to blow the budget with changes or add-ons.

The only negative with regard to this project is baby, it is COLD outside! Other than that…

Life is good!

Originally posted 2015-01-12 14:12:49.

A builders favorite moment2019-06-29T10:29:33+00:00
29 06, 2019

Hog trough post


Iphone October 2011 097

This massive corner post, created around the turn of the 18th century, is one massive example of craftsmanship. It is one  compound piece made from a single tree,  with angle braces mortised into it.  If viewed from above it would have an L shape… thus the post is similar in appearance to that of a colonial hog trough.  Notice the lathing stripes.

Originally posted 2014-12-16 15:56:42.

Hog trough post2019-06-29T10:29:30+00:00
29 06, 2019

Post and Beam Frame going up!



One of the finest post and beam frames I ever had the privilege of putting up. Salvaged from a late 1700’s/early 1800’s home this frame will soon serve as incredible kitchen off of a vintage log cabin.

Originally posted 2014-12-16 14:29:24.

Post and Beam Frame going up!2019-06-29T10:29:27+00:00
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