Stick-built and timber-frame combined
Noah Bradley2019-06-29T10:19:43+00:00Okay… it’s time to put the old house back up.
We decided here not to use stress skin panels but rather we would built standard 2by6 exterior walls and then build the old timber frame on the interior of those walls to be seen and appreciated for decades to come. (no real reason for that… I guess there just wasn’t enough of material needed to bother ordering panels)
For all the stone work enthusiasts out there let me point out one feature of the stone that makes it attractive… depth and roughness. Smooth surface stone will never give you the play on light as do rough faced, jagged stone.
Once the walls were all framed up we started with the rafters.
We could then start to get a sense of what the finished kitchen would look like.
Originally posted 2015-07-30 14:18:51.