29 06, 2019

The Sugar Hollow house… part 15



After the top plates were set on the front and back of the Sugar Hollow House, then we set the end plates…



Originally posted 2015-04-13 13:39:12.

The Sugar Hollow house… part 152019-06-29T10:13:53+00:00
29 06, 2019

Setting the top plate… part 5



The problem with the top plate not properly fitting is found.

My foreman points to the area that needs attention.

The top plate then slides into position and it is once again reunited with the home.

And, as an added bonus, I had taken one of the best photos of my career. 🙂

I am reminded of another “life lesson” in looking at this image… one that I have found works well throughout the construction of a house… whenever I encounter a problem rather than hover over it and try to figure it out… I find that I can often solve it by standing back and just take in the bigger picture, and then the solution is often revealed.

Originally posted 2015-04-12 15:38:09.

Setting the top plate… part 52019-06-29T10:13:52+00:00
29 06, 2019

Setting the top plate… part 4



There is clearly a hold up… somewhere along the long line of tenons one of them is not behaving correctly. The job foremen scurries down the ladder to find where the problem area is.

Can you see the energy flowing from him? Can you see the urge to point? lol

Originally posted 2015-04-12 15:15:48.

Setting the top plate… part 42019-06-29T10:13:51+00:00
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