29 06, 2019

Stepped Stonework




Here we have an interesting old cabin out of the mid-West. Perhaps, Arkansas or Oklahoma.This people in this area of the country tend to use a lot of “steps” when building their stone chimneys.

Originally posted 2016-02-17 13:58:23.

Stepped Stonework2019-06-29T09:46:44+00:00
29 06, 2019

Pause for a moment and reflect



How about pausing for a moment and remembering the things you are thankful for today.

Originally posted 2016-02-16 21:02:35.

Pause for a moment and reflect2019-06-29T09:46:43+00:00
29 06, 2019

Like no other



A big old porch on the front of this cabin with enough room to great plenty of visitors.

Originally posted 2016-02-16 20:17:56.

Like no other2019-06-29T09:46:41+00:00
29 06, 2019

Hidden logs



Notice the still remaining painted corner-board. This greyed and weathered cabin was covered in siding as so many old cabins were at the time. When nearly everyone lived in a log home having a wood sided home was highly desirable.
Many of the old farmhouses that we see today have logs hidden within.

Originally posted 2016-02-12 17:33:45.

Hidden logs2019-06-29T09:46:38+00:00
29 06, 2019

Heart pine logs



Here we have the corner of an old hewn heart-pine log cabin.
Notice how it’s not “perfect”.
Rather, it has character.
It’s… handmade.
Each log is unique.
And, the spacing between each log varies from one course to the next.
The dovetail notches in the corners are also unique… made by hand, one-at-a-time.
Isn’t it something that handmade creation becomes a treasured antique as the years pass by.
While a manufactured item, on the other hand, just gets old.

Originally posted 2016-02-09 17:48:34.

Heart pine logs2019-06-29T09:46:31+00:00
29 06, 2019

Women and log cabins



My mother spent years of her childhood living in log cabin like this.
She weighed a pound and a half when she was born.
During World War II she sewed parachutes together for the Army.
She raised three sons.
She was tough.
All women are stronger than they let on.
Trust me on that.

Originally posted 2016-02-07 16:44:53.

Women and log cabins2019-06-29T09:46:28+00:00
29 06, 2019

This cabin should be so inviting.



Ok… Let’s have a discussion in “cabin perfectionism” today… A conversation for those interested in having a truly great cabin and not willing to settle for a good cabin. For those who want a “10”… not an “8”

Now, there is nothing wrong with having a “good” cabin. This is not a judgmental write-up, so please, no lectures on how mean spirited I am, or how I like to put down others work. Or, on how picky I am.  What I am about to point out many wouldn’t at first notice but with time, and daily viewing, these details will grow to bother them.  And then what? Live with it? or redo it?

This is a nice cabin, in a nice location. We should all be so lucky to have a place like this.  The logs are vintage and the cabin is historically proportioned. There are nice porches (perhaps the front porch is a bit too large, but a ten foot porch does give a lot of space). The windows are plentiful and attractive, she is a well lit cabin.

But somehow the cabin appears… harsh.  Cold even. How can that be?

Two things…

One is the use of modern elements… mainly the manufactured metal roofing. This is the very same type of metal roofing that you see on Hardees and McDonald’s restaurants. A metal roof is wonderful on a cabin, but it needs to be a handmade one… not an industrial one. A roof contributes so much more to a home than most people realize, it’s not just to keep the rain off our heads.  It is our first indicator of the quality of the home.

BTW… The modern cement sidewalk does the same thing. Another visual clashing. A few flagstones laid in the yard would have cost the same and looked so much nicer.

And, of course Number Two… no chimney!  This home is like a canoe without a paddle… she is missing something so important… a chimney should be as valued as the logs themselves.


Originally posted 2016-02-07 16:14:22.

This cabin should be so inviting.2019-06-29T09:46:27+00:00
29 06, 2019




A home is built one stick, and one stone, at a time.
The hardest one to put into place is the first one.
From there it’s just a matter of persistence.

Originally posted 2016-02-04 17:09:26.

29 06, 2019

Let’s get serious…



The average size of a new house has now risen to 2,720 square feet.
The average cost of a new house has now risen to 351,000 (that’s 100,000 more than it was seven years ago)
And what does a home buyer get for that extra money?
1) Smart home technology
2) Another ten years of paying a mortgage
3) Half of all children under the age of 30 still living with their parents.
4) A cookie-cutter home built as cheaply as possible.
There is an alternative.
A handmade house.
Much higher quality.
And at a lower price.
But, for a season in your life, a year or two, you will need to contribute a good deal of effort towards it’s design and construction.
I designed and built this home for myself.
At half the current average cost of a new home.
And, it’s larger than the average home.
It’s also built better.
It did take a lot of effort.
It was worth it, though.
I’m not special… you can do it too.
I’m on the downhill side now of finishing up the Handmade House Academy. It’s taken more effort and time to put together than I ever imagined. It will be ready to go by the end of this month. Don’t miss it. Eight hours of video content where I will share all that I’ve learned over the course of several decades in how the average guy or gal can design and build their own home… and not just any home… an amazing home… a handmade home.

Originally posted 2016-02-01 16:51:25.

Let’s get serious…2019-06-29T09:46:23+00:00
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