A log cabin hidden in plain site
Noah Bradley2019-06-29T10:18:23+00:00There is a small log cabin hidden in this little house.
The log section of the house is to the left of (now) central chimney.
The owner of this weekend getaway (a well-known radio personality) hired me to come in and expose the logs on the interior and create a stone fireplace.
The new owner of this cabin was six foot six.
I’m six foot two.
The ceiling height in this cabin, from finished floor to the bottom of the round-pole ceiling joists, is…. six foot six.
Clearly we would have been giants compared to the original members of this household.
I wonder… will our standard eight-foot ceilings one day, two hundred years from now, be considered unacceptably too low?
Originally posted 2015-06-30 19:35:04.