29 06, 2019

Stone… stone… stone



No worries of this stone home being broken into… unless the burglar has a very long ladder. 😉

Originally posted 2016-03-25 14:53:55.

Stone… stone… stone2019-06-29T10:28:15+00:00
29 06, 2019

Wide stone chimney



A wide chimney announces that a cooking fireplace can be found inside.

Originally posted 2016-03-25 14:36:10.

Wide stone chimney2019-06-29T10:28:13+00:00
29 06, 2019

Hobby time



Imagine, if there was an enjoyable hobby to be found, one that provided a person with a good bit of exercise and fresh air, one where a person could create something beautiful… something that would last for centuries. Wouldn’t it be great if there was something like that?

Originally posted 2016-03-16 21:48:06.

Hobby time2019-06-29T10:28:05+00:00
29 06, 2019

On becoming a stone mason



I gave out a little advice to a young man this morning on becoming a stone mason. I thought I’d share that advice with everyone… (This photo is of the foundation my firm built for a forty foot silo to set upon)

Stone masonry is tough on the back, so work carefully or you will have to give up this career far too soon.

In order to make a good living at it you will need to either get really good… or get big.

Either way you will need to not only learn the craft, but become a businessman, and a marketer.

Getting big often creates money, but often robs one of the joy in the work. So if you seek satisfaction… go for being the best.

Study the work of old, spend years copying the best of yesterday. Get a reputation in doing this.

After a decade or so, you can slowly start to add some of your own artistic flare to it.

The real challenge ahead of you is not the craft, you can learn it through practice and slowly become the best. Your challenge will be in finding people to pay you for it. You need to find an affluent area where people appreciate good stonework and are willing to pay for it. It’s a great idea to work in a small artistic stone company to learn the craft… make sure and pay close attention to how the business operates… work at a place that mirrors what you want your future business to be.

Beware of companies that do stone veneer on huge projects… you will become a machine.

Strive to become an artist.


Originally posted 2016-03-08 15:43:51.

On becoming a stone mason2019-06-29T10:27:58+00:00
29 06, 2019

Amazing stone



Stone, it’s what our planet is made of.

There is an endless supply of it.

It lasts forever.

It’s incredibly strong.

And it’s pleasing to the eye.

Amazing stone.

Originally posted 2016-03-04 14:14:22.

Amazing stone2019-06-29T10:27:56+00:00
29 06, 2019

The timeless beauty of a stone home



I am often amazed at the stunning beauty of a stone home.
Stone is such a primitive building material, as basic as it comes. And yet when laid properly, into a classic design, all it needs is the simplest of embellishments… such as painted trim-work and perhaps some window shutters… we achieve a home as elegant as can be built.

Originally posted 2016-02-24 14:27:04.

The timeless beauty of a stone home2019-06-29T10:27:32+00:00
29 06, 2019

Handmade stone cottage



They didn’t buy manufactured building materials.
They clearly didn’t follow directions.
They didn’t build like everyone else does.
And now they reap what they have sown.
I’m so jealous.

Originally posted 2016-02-18 15:33:44.

Handmade stone cottage2019-06-29T10:27:26+00:00
29 06, 2019

Blending into the landscape



A home should compliment and blend in with the landscape… something this stone home certainly does well.

Originally posted 2016-02-16 20:12:54.

Blending into the landscape2019-06-29T10:27:20+00:00
29 06, 2019

Stone Piers



Notice the stone piers under the house and porch… a stone laid flat upon a stone, one after another. Refinement was not the goal when building stone piers… getting it done was.
Craftsmanship was saved for chimneys, and continuous foundations.
It’s so tempting today, with modern cement to build these piers “too pretty” on an old cabin. It’s ok to give in some… but be careful not go down that road of looking cookie cutter.
Also, never go with an odd number of piers across the front of home… for some reason building three piers announce to the world “I was too cheap to put in four, and besides, three is enough to keep it from falling down”

Originally posted 2016-02-12 18:01:06.

Stone Piers2019-06-29T10:27:19+00:00
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