29 06, 2019

Board and Batten construction



Board-and-batten is the best method for covering the exterior of a home IF… you want your home to blend into a wooded environment and if you desire a locally sourced material that is easy to apply and inexpensive to purchase.
Log and stone homes cost more, require more skill, and take much more labor, but they each will last for centuries, are more attractive, and any extra funds invested in them will be amply returned with lower maintenance expenses and upon the eventual sale of the home.

Originally posted 2015-11-21 14:50:22.

Board and Batten construction2019-06-29T10:24:43+00:00
29 06, 2019

A handmade shed



Even a handmade shed can be a joy to behold, when it’s well designed, makes use of local materials, and it’s located in just the right spot.

Now image this new shed in the same place…


Originally posted 2015-11-18 14:16:22.

A handmade shed2019-06-29T10:24:35+00:00
29 06, 2019

It’s time to turn your dream cabin into reality


For those who get to kick back in their cabins and not have to rush off to a job in the city… a tip of the hat to you!
For those of you that had to lock up their cabin yesterday and head back to “real life”, just know that that cabin is waiting there for you.

And, for those who dream of having that special place in the country, whether log, or stone, or timber frame… set a goal for the near future that you take those first steps in turning that dream of a handmade house into reality.

Originally posted 2015-11-16 14:53:46.

It’s time to turn your dream cabin into reality2019-06-29T10:24:31+00:00
29 06, 2019

Classic farmhouse design



Here we have one of the appendages to George Washington’s home… Mt Vernon.

Amazing isn’t she?

So simple, yet perfection, found in simplicity.

Originally posted 2015-11-15 14:54:27.

Classic farmhouse design2019-06-29T10:24:27+00:00
29 06, 2019

Everyone loves a good porch



A two story porch off of the end of a cabin is a bit unusual, but I’m sure it’s a very enjoyable space.

Originally posted 2015-11-15 14:47:51.

Everyone loves a good porch2019-06-29T10:24:26+00:00
29 06, 2019

What makes this home so special?



What is it about this house that catches our eye… and holds it, for the longest time?

Certainly the appealing design of this home is a joy to behold… but, as a general rule… we all unfortunately tend to take good design for granted (while on the other hand, for some odd reason, we are quick to point out bad design).

Perhaps it is the exposed timber frame, with its soothing tan infill? It does fill me with great admiration, and I must admit… a tinge of jealousy. Even this feature though is overshadowed on this home.

I’m sure we can all appreciate the meticulous landscaping that occupies every inch of this tiny front yard. An artistic display of carefully chosen, well-tended, plantings dramatically helps the visual appeal of any home.

But the show-stopper here, the feature that grabs our attention more than anything else, is that crowning touch!

Who can ignore a thatch roof?

A handcrafted roof adds so much to the charm of any home. It also speaks volumes about the high level of quality that one would expect to see throughout the rest of the house. With a roof like that you just know the interior of the home must be something special.

I’ve heard it said that 90% of the decisions made on whether to buy a home is made before the front door is ever reached. So, if you want to build a home that will one day easily sell, and for top dollar, a nice roof makes for a tremendous investment.

The roofs of our homes fulfill the housings’ single most important responsibility… to keep the rain off of our heads and protect our things from harm. But they do so much more than that… they speak of  the homes’ level of workmanship, long before anyone enters the home.

When it comes time to install a roof on a house there are SO many wonderful options to choose from other than “tar-and-gravel impregnated products”. There are cedar shingles for a natural look, and then there is a great variety of metal roofing options… from basic barn metal to hand-seamed copper. And then of course, there is the king of roofing… slate… a roof that will last for centuries.

Yes, all these forms of roofing cost a bit more to apply, but when the longevity of these alternative roofing materials are factored in, they become the low-priced alternatives.

Now, maybe a thatch roof, as seen in this photo, is not your first choice… but please, consider the other options! Given time, alternative roofing always pays off, aesthetically and financially.

I’ve never heard of anyone regretting the choice made of using higher quality materials at this stage of construction. You won’t either.

Originally posted 2015-11-10 15:41:53.

What makes this home so special?2019-06-29T10:24:13+00:00
29 06, 2019

A “wrap-around” porch



Sometimes porches like to wrap around the side of house… those porches… you gotta keep an eye on them!

Originally posted 2015-11-06 15:00:10.

A “wrap-around” porch2019-06-29T10:23:58+00:00
29 06, 2019

Quality features made affordable



One of the advantages in building small is that quality becomes affordable. Take for example this little cottage with it’s cedar shingle roof, wood siding, masonry chimney, and precious windows.

Originally posted 2015-11-04 13:59:54.

Quality features made affordable2019-06-29T10:23:51+00:00
29 06, 2019

The downfall of good design



Both of these modest home’s designs are considered “Colonial”.
The first one is two hundred years old.
And, the second one is relatively new.
Can you see how much architectural design has improved over the course of two centuries?



Originally posted 2015-10-27 20:31:57.

The downfall of good design2019-06-29T10:23:30+00:00
29 06, 2019

Think differently



When it comes time to buy a kitchen stove consider shopping online for a unique stove.

Originally posted 2015-10-26 14:28:07.

Think differently2019-06-29T10:23:28+00:00
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