A place for everything, and everything in it’s place
Noah Bradley2019-06-29T10:23:21+00:00Now here we have a wonderful rustic kitchen… it’s not everyone’s dream kitchen but you do have to admit that it is a piece of art. The designer of this kitchen clearly thought “out of the box”, had a nice collection of antique cookware, and wanted to showcase it all. They did a great job at it.
Originally posted 2015-10-24 14:59:18.
Rustic charm
Noah Bradley2019-06-29T10:23:11+00:00I can’t help but notice that no board on this cabin is cut exactly right… each is to some degree a little too long.
Better too long than too short.
I know from experience that when building a home with the aid of a handsaw, rather than an electric one, that work is often performed “good enough”… not “perfect”.
Originally posted 2015-10-21 15:51:46.
A sweet little cottage home
Noah Bradley2019-06-29T10:23:05+00:00
A house that is cute… and shy.
Just barely peaking above the fence line.
A modest home… even for it’s day… yet it has two masonry chimneys, a metal roof, wood siding, a large front porch, and attractive windows… all features missing in most new homes today selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Originally posted 2015-10-19 14:45:49.
Building on a sloped site
Noah Bradley2019-06-29T10:22:22+00:00“Back in the day” there was no heavy equipment available to easily level out a house site.
Larger homes would adapt to steeply sloped sites by incorporating walk-out basements on one side of the house. But homes of more modest means would be built to conform to the site, as seen in this house.
BTW… this home, with the aid of two stone chimneys is quite the charmer isn’t she?
Originally posted 2015-10-07 13:00:43.