About Noah Bradley

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So far Noah Bradley has created 1221 blog entries.
29 06, 2019

Classic farmhouse design



Here we have one of the appendages to George Washington’s home… Mt Vernon.

Amazing isn’t she?

So simple, yet perfection, found in simplicity.

Originally posted 2015-11-15 14:54:27.

Classic farmhouse design2019-06-29T10:24:27+00:00
29 06, 2019

Everyone loves a good porch



A two story porch off of the end of a cabin is a bit unusual, but I’m sure it’s a very enjoyable space.

Originally posted 2015-11-15 14:47:51.

Everyone loves a good porch2019-06-29T10:24:26+00:00
29 06, 2019

A small historic log cabin



It seems whenever I post photos of cabins online that small ones like this draw the most attention and the greatest number of comments. I can understand why.

Originally posted 2015-11-15 14:44:24.

A small historic log cabin2019-06-29T10:24:25+00:00
29 06, 2019

A painted stone cottage



I can appreciate the corner stones not being painted… it adds an extra visual element to the home…

Originally posted 2015-11-15 14:09:19.

A painted stone cottage2019-06-29T10:24:24+00:00
29 06, 2019

Log cabin plans



I regularly am getting requests for guidance in where to best find plans for a nice small log cabin. My response is that I’ve never found plans anywhere that I like… they are always too… modern… brick rancher type… or Mclogmansion… where as I admire the classic cabin style.
I am in the process of scanning and issuing copies of my hand drawn plans of cabins that I have built in the past (at a huge discount), but the process is slow and I’m so easily distracted… mainly from putting together the Handmade House Academy program. For anyone interested in obtaining these proven plans they should consider signing up to my newsletter on my site… handmadehouses. com for updates when they become available… also… consider signing on to the upcoming “Academy” where I will demonstrate how I, or anyone, can draw their own plans. (the course will be well worth it for that skill alone) BTW… I did not draw this image… I’m a builder… lol… not a pen and ink artist… maybe one day though I’ll be able to do this craft too… skill comes through practice, after all.

Originally posted 2015-11-15 14:03:33.

Log cabin plans2019-06-29T10:24:23+00:00
29 06, 2019

Rough sawn siding and “barn tin”



There is not a lower priced siding material to be found than that of locally sawn lumber… nor is there a lower cost roofing choice than “barn tin”.  Isn’t it amazing that the cheapest option is also the most attractive material when building a barn?  Some would say those material options also holds true for being the best choice a house.

So, I have to wonder… why is it not more commonly used?

I wish I had the answer, but I’m afraid I don’t.

My dad used to say that sometimes a good question was worth more than the answer.

I don’t know if that’s true… but it does get me out of answering some tough questions. lol

Originally posted 2015-11-12 15:17:34.

Rough sawn siding and “barn tin”2019-06-29T10:24:20+00:00
29 06, 2019

Oh the life of a Miller



At some point in this life I would love to live in a Mill. The Mills themselves are built so strong to withstand the weight of all the equipment and grains, and the stresses coming from the operating machinery. Not to mention having a slowly spinning water wheel and stream nearby… just perfect

Originally posted 2015-11-12 14:40:50.

Oh the life of a Miller2019-06-29T10:24:19+00:00
29 06, 2019

A “fixer-upper” with a view.



Yes, indeed the view is gorgeous, perhaps even shocking. And the little cute house… fits the scene perfectly.

Pause for a minute of think of the houses you pass on the way to work and how they would look in this scene, or perhaps ponder what might be designed and built here by most architects and builders who practice their skills. It wouldn’t be same photo would it?

Originally posted 2015-11-12 14:35:41.

A “fixer-upper” with a view.2019-06-29T10:24:18+00:00
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