29 06, 2019

Cabin art


picket fence

Can a home be built that would be considered “art”… would this cabin be one of those?
(Art, noun: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power).

Originally posted 2016-03-04 13:53:10.

Cabin art2019-06-29T10:27:54+00:00
29 06, 2019

Get outside! :)



Here’s to your health!
Studies have shown that blood pressure rates drop when people look at a photo of the outdoors.
Imagine how how healthy it must be to go out there.
And so with that in mind, when you build that next home of yours, make sure and create spaces outside that will lure you from the comforts of the interior.

Originally posted 2016-03-02 14:26:27.

Get outside! :)2019-06-29T10:27:52+00:00
29 06, 2019

Outside living



One advantage to a small home, a home that isn’t too comfortable, is that there is more motivation to get outside. And, that’s a good thing. There are wondrous things out there.

Originally posted 2016-02-25 15:03:44.

Outside living2019-06-29T10:27:35+00:00
29 06, 2019

Trees and houses



Would you want to have a tree this close to your house?
I do love my trees. But, I’d be mighty nervous during a lighting storm in this little cabin.
And, if the tree were ever to be blown over, and for some reason it didn’t fall on the house, we all know that the root ball of a pine tree spreads wide and would likely lift the end of the house off of the ground.
But still, the tree adds so much to the charm of this house… it is what makes it unique… so how about you? keep it? or cut it?

Originally posted 2016-02-24 14:13:37.

Trees and houses2019-06-29T10:27:31+00:00
29 06, 2019




Ah yes, patios.
The nearly forgotten older sister to decks.
Located at yard height they don’t require view-blocking railings.
And since they are made of masonry, they need no maintenance, and, they last… forever.

Originally posted 2016-02-12 17:15:55.

29 06, 2019

Living the dream



When we build a handmade home for ourselves we are not only “leaving a legacy” behind. We are also “living a legacy”… now. Be that person.

Originally posted 2016-02-10 15:06:53.

Living the dream2019-06-29T10:27:14+00:00
29 06, 2019

We do have a choice



We either struggle for a year or two while building our dream home.
Or we struggle for a lifetime with the regret of never having done it.

Originally posted 2016-02-10 14:31:20.

We do have a choice2019-06-29T10:27:13+00:00
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