29 06, 2019

What is your legacy?



Many cities have stone buildings built prior to 1920’s and this is what the team of men and animals would have looked like that helped build them.

My great grandfather was one of the masons who helped build the Old City Hall in Richmond, Virginia. I never met the man but I can’t help think of him whenever I drive past his legacy.

One of the greatest gifts that comes with making something durable, handmade, and attractive is that a legacy is created. By building a nice cabin, or a stone wall, or putting together a patchwork quilt we have left something for future generations to enjoy, and to remember us by.

Originally posted 2015-08-25 13:25:56.

What is your legacy?2019-06-29T10:20:19+00:00
29 06, 2019

Exposed framing



Here’s a nice look for those seeking to build a cottage near the beach. The exposed framed walls are built using new lumber, that is then backed with siding, and to finish it is all then painted.

A layer of insulated panels is next applied to the exterior and then finished siding is applied.


Likely a bit more expensive than standard construction, but the finished result has so much more character don’t you think?


Originally posted 2015-08-17 12:43:17.

Exposed framing2019-06-29T10:20:10+00:00
29 06, 2019

Where did the attics go?



We’ve lost a treasured feature in the homes being built today… the attic.

Roof trusses have made our homes cheaper and faster to build.  I question their durability and longevity but one thing can’t be debated we have lost a tremendous amount of usable space within our homes…. a treasured space.


Originally posted 2015-08-16 22:43:12.

Where did the attics go?2019-06-29T10:20:09+00:00
29 06, 2019

Outbuilding designs


American barns

I’d be hard pressed to come up with a more attractive design for an outbuilding where one can practice their craft out back… complete with a fireplace!

This sketch of a Forge Barn above is within Sloane’s book “American Barns and Bridges”.

our vanishing landscape

When I look at these drawings above and below by Eric Sloane that he made of existing historic outbuildings I am overwhelmed at the variety and the beauty of these structures.

How is it that we lost this ability put up something attractive in your back yards?

I don’t know about you but I’d like to have one of each! I used to tell people that I was going to have a bumper sticker made that read… “He who dies with the greatest number of outbuildings wins” lol

Our vanishing landscape 2


Here’s an outbuilding that I once built that was inspired by one of these drawings.

These sketches of are within Sloane’s book “Our Vanishing Landscape” which is one the books on my recommended reading list that I offered a few weeks ago. I’d like to share a few more of Sloane’s sketches with you in the coming day or two… I think you’ll enjoy them.

BTW… I have four duplicate copies of four different books of Sloane’s (one that is out of print) that I’m giving away to four different people that sign up by Monday. I’m going to do a random drawing of those on the list… I’ll shoot the winners an email and ask for an address. (The sign up button is at the top of my FB page or on my blog handmadehouses.com OR… if you get my free list of the books I recommend reading you will be automatically signed up. Oh… one last thing… those that signed up to get the free guide prior to this last weekend, there was a technical issue… you did receive your guide, but you weren’t signed up… sorry about that… please, try again, thanks… I’m afraid that I am a much better builder than I am a techie. Noah


Originally posted 2015-08-06 13:47:19.

Outbuilding designs2019-06-29T10:19:53+00:00
29 06, 2019

A lot of beauty can be found in the lines


American barns 2

Isn’t this a precious Sugar House”?
Whenever I view an attractive building I ask myself… “What makes it so?”

There are some lessons to be learned upon careful examination of this wonderful pen and ink drawing by Eric Sloane. The author/artist lays the answer out there for us, so plain, simple, and easy to understand.

This is one of the many sketches within Sloane’s book “American Barns and Bridges” which is one the books on my recommended reading list that I offered a few weeks ago. I’d like to share a few more of Sloane’s sketches with you in the coming day or two… I think you’ll enjoy them.

BTW… I have four duplicate copies of four different books of Sloane’s (one that is out of print) that I’m giving away to four different people that sign up by Monday. I’m going to do a random drawing of those on the list… I’ll shoot the winners an email and ask for an address. ( If you get my free list of the books I recommend reading you will be automatically signed up… the button to get this free guide is to the right on this page… and oh… one last thing… those that signed up to get the free guide prior to this last weekend, there was a technical issue… you did receive your guide, but you weren’t automatically signed up… sorry about that… please, try again, thanks… I’m afraid that I am a much better builder than I am a techie. Noah

Originally posted 2015-08-06 13:17:28.

A lot of beauty can be found in the lines2019-06-29T10:19:52+00:00
29 06, 2019

Timber frame roof trusses



There is no better feeling than that felt at the end of the week in seeing what has been accomplished.

Originally posted 2015-07-18 18:40:04.

Timber frame roof trusses2019-06-29T10:19:25+00:00
29 06, 2019

The challenge of designing a barn addition


Iphone October 2011 655

The architect for this home struggled with the challenge of adding a barn to an existing home… in not overwhelming the house, yet meeting the client’s vision. She was concerned in what size barn I may be able to find.

I fully understood her concern.

I freed her of the limitations of the dimensions of an existing barn by assuring her that I could adapt antique barn timbers to whatever barn dimensions she felt was most appropriate for this home.

Here is a photo of that barn addition, per the architects design, assembled by my crew. I’d like to share with you over the next couple of days the construction of this barn addition… I think you’ll enjoy the process. 🙂

Originally posted 2015-07-18 12:43:26.

The challenge of designing a barn addition2019-06-29T10:19:21+00:00
29 06, 2019

A stone home with a barn addition


Iphone October 2011 672

The owners of this stone home wanted to have an addition added that would serve as a large great room. They envisioned an antique barn frame, with massive timbers, and interior views clear to the peak of the roof.

Originally posted 2015-07-18 12:30:56.

A stone home with a barn addition2019-06-29T10:19:20+00:00
29 06, 2019

I encourage everyone to consider building their own home!



Let me close out the tale of this project with six last construction photos.

So much of the wonder of having a home is in the building process itself. These moments in one’s life of building a home should be a treasured time. I encourage you to join in on the process of designing and building your own home as much as you can.

Maybe… build the home yourself… why give all the fun to someone else? 🙂






Originally posted 2015-07-16 14:15:19.

I encourage everyone to consider building their own home!2019-06-29T10:19:13+00:00
29 06, 2019

The job-site fireplace



I thought perhaps this photo of the cabin’s fireplace was most appropriate to post… this was the fireplace as we, the builders of this cabin, saw the most (as you can see by our “decorations”).

We enjoyed this fireplace throughout the construction of the house often eating our lunches while gathered around it’s warming flames.

A career in construction has it’s downsides, it’s hard work, it’s dirty, and it is certainly not the path to wealth, but give me an open fire, some good conversation with dear friends, and the feeling that comes from accomplishing something with my own hands… any day.

Originally posted 2015-07-15 14:48:45.

The job-site fireplace2019-06-29T10:19:11+00:00
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